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Is Paraffin Ever Skin Safe?

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I'm a longtime chandler but new to the forum.

Soy is not necessarily better than paraffin for the skin.

From personal experience, when I work with a lot of soy wax, the skin on my hands breaks out in a lovely red rash. The wax I am handling is unscented, pure 100% soy wax with no additives.

Many people are allergic to soy, and that can include absorption via the skin. Something to keep in mind if you are considering a soy candle/lotion line of your own.

By the way, this forum is my dream come true! Other chandlers that love working out the logistics of great hot throw, wicking and melt pools. My family is used to me "waxing" poetic about my latest formula, but I can see their eyes glaze over with boredom. You all are my kinda Peeps!

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Hmmm......fun thread. I've got the popcorn popping as I type. :)

I'm allergic to soy when ingested. Highly allergic. Doesnt' mean I don't appreciate a well made soy candle when it's presented to me. I've been blessed with many through the generosity of great swaps over the years.

At the same time, I make only 100% paraffin candles (Mobil 140 MP, food grade, no additives). It's the only wax that is available to me at a somewhat reasonable price in the remote area where I live. I have come to know it intimately over the years, and I love it. I poured and sold over 8 tons of it last year.

That said, my popcorn is finished and I'm pouring it in the bowl momentarily.

When I've eaten it, I'm going to bed. you guys can continue this 'never-ending story' of soy vs paraffin forever if you want. I've seen it played out time and time again over the years. In the end, it still remains one opinion against another. The answer is that simple and that difficult :)

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Burned Out that is an excellent point. There are lots of people allergic to soy (my baby cousin is one of them.) I wonder if they would get reactions to the burning soy in a candle or whatever. You know sneezing, wheezing, any of that. Interesting.

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this copyed from the National Candle Association:

some facts I didnt even know....

#6 might answer some questions....


All waxes are primarily hydrocarbons, whether the wax is of animal, vegetable, or petroleum origin. The chemical composition of all waxes used for candle-making is similar.


Candles account for the second largest use of waxes in North America, after packaging and package coatings.

Paraffin is the most commonly used candle wax today. Beeswax, soy wax, palm wax, gels, and synthesized waxes are also used in candle-making for the U.S. market, as are blends of waxes.

Waxes burn with a yellow flame due to the presence of carbon.

No specific type of wax or wax blend is considered "best" for candlemaking. All candle waxes - when provided in high-quality format - have been shown to burn cleanly and safely.

No candle wax has ever been shown to be toxic or harmful to human health.

There is no such thing as a soot-free wax. All organic compounds when burned will emit some carbon (soot) due to incomplete combustion. Sooting is primarily a factor of wick length and disturbance of the flame's steady teardrop shape.

Reputable candle manufacturers use only high-quality waxes in their formulations.

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I used to do hair and nails at a salon for about 5 years, this included paraffin dips, (for your hands) If you've had one you know how great they feel!!! The paraffin we use for hands comes in scented and unscented, I've never had anyone complain as far as a reaction to it not being skin safe. The only problem you can encounter with hand paraffin is if you are on medications, have diabetes, or have high blood pressure, you can actually have a massive heart attack, or you can get a serious infection ( if you have diabetes, along with an open wound) Keep all of this in mind the next time you are at your beauty salon. So all in all the paraffin at the salon is skin safe, unless you are medically impaired! HTH;)

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