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Help please! Wick issues.

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I am hoping someone can guide me in the right direction.

I have poured a candle using TC 50/50 wax. The jar is a 16oz wide mouth Mason. No dye. FO is Citrus Linen h20 at 9%.

First I started with a CD18. The flame danced like crazy and sooted. I did get a full melt pool (tiny amount of hangup during 1st burn). The wick was the appropriate length. Not the greatest hot throw.

Then I repoured, everything the same except using a CD16. The wick still dances and still is sooting (small amount of soot) but the hot throw is much better.

Now, would it be the fO load that is contributing to this problem (soot)? Or is it the wick size?

I haven't tried any other wick because I really am not sure of what to try. Maybe zinc wicks?

Any advice would be so greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

p.s. just so you have all the info: Heated wax to 190*, added FO at 175*, poured into heated jar. Only cured overnight.

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Are you keeping the wick trimmed? Could the candle be in a breeze in any way? What is the depth of the mp and how long does it take?

Try dropping the FO load down and see how that works. Also, try the wicks with other FOs and see if you have the same problem.

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Yes, I am keeping the wick trimmed.... and there's no breeze at all. With the 18...1st burn.... it took 3 hours to reach a full melt pool about 1/2inch depth. (weird huh? I Have no clue why it took so long compared to the 16).

I got a full melt pool with the 16 in 1hour and 20 minutes with 1/2 inch depth!! It soots a lot less...... still dances ....and the hot throw is better.

I will try it with a 14 and see how it does. If it burns better but still soots I will try with less fo.

Thanks Meridith and Crowded House for your quick reply!!!

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That is quite a difference in the mp and times between the wicks. I would say the time to get a full mp with the 16 was way too fast. How hot is the jar with the 16? Try the 14, although it might be too small -the wide mouth jars have a diameter of about 3 inches but it might not be too since you are using a blend. Only way to know is to try. I'm inclined to think it might be the FO load though. :confused:

The other thing too is you could try a different type of wick all together.

Keep us posted. Good luck and don't worry, you will get it.

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That is quite a difference in the mp and times between the wicks. I would say the time to get a full mp with the 16 was way too fast. How hot is the jar with the 16? Try the 14, although it might be too small -the wide mouth jars have a diameter of about 3 inches but it might not be too since you are using a blend. Only way to know is to try. I'm inclined to think it might be the FO load though. :confused:

The other thing too is you could try a different type of wick all together.

Keep us posted. Good luck and don't worry, you will get it.

I thought I got a full melt pool way too fast with the 16 too. The jar wasn't too hot at all either..... just a bit warm torward the top. I really don't get it. I am wondering if it's the fo load too.

I am going to do a couple more burns with the 16, see how it goes, and then give the 14 a whirl. If that doesn't do the trick, I will try a lower fo load. Last resort, I will try different wicks.

Thanks for the encouragement!! And I will let you know how it goes.

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Keep burning your jars all the way down.Sometimes when you think a wick isn't going to work, it does. If the jar wasn't too hot with the 16, I would not worry about the mp being too fast.

Ahhhhhhh.... ok. I will burn this one down all the way then....and take notes. :D

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Oh yes, the top and bottom halves are frequently different stories.

Oh my....as I am learning!

I didn't burn the CD18 down all the way because it was sooting way too much.

But the CD16...it soots a little...the flame dances....and after the third burn, the container got a bit hot to the touch.

I will continue testing....pull my hair out... test more.....go crazy.... you know the drill.:wink2:

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Just another thought... have you tried any other type of wick than the CD's? I find that I get more flickering with the self trimming type wicks than I do with cored wicks. CD's are nice wicks and burn well but in my experience the wicks that curl do a little more jumping than the ones that stay straight (zinc, cotton, paper etc.)

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Just another thought... have you tried any other type of wick than the CD's? I find that I get more flickering with the self trimming type wicks than I do with cored wicks. CD's are nice wicks and burn well but in my experience the wicks that curl do a little more jumping than the ones that stay straight (zinc, cotton, paper etc.)

I was wondering about that. I have only tried the CD's..... mainly because I got them when I first started this hobby and was starting out using all soy. I was thinking of trying zinc wicks next...or would LX's be a better bet?

I think I will be getting some sample packs....

Thanks for your help!

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Getting the wicking down is the hardest part of all but it can be figured out. YOu just have to lose a few hairs in the process. LOL Zinc wicks, while some do use them, do not work well in soy. They don't burn hot enough and really are not made for soy. HTPs, CDs, ECOs, cottons, LXs and RRDs work well in soy.

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Getting the wicking down is the hardest part of all but it can be figured out. YOu just have to lose a few hairs in the process. LOL Zinc wicks, while some do use them, do not work well in soy. They don't burn hot enough and really are not made for soy. HTPs, CDs, ECOs, cottons, LXs and RRDs work well in soy.

Yes.... I will go with your advice about the wicks. I was just reading that the zinc wicks are "coolest" burning...which might not be so good for soy. I will give the LX's a whirl. I don't really care for the self trimming thing.....so I will stay away from HTP's (I think I read they are self trimming) :confused:

I will get the wick thing down eventually..... I had to stop burning the CD16...the further down it burned, the more it sooted. Back to the drawing board!!

We need a smiley pulling out its hair.... would be sooooo appropriate.

This hobby is going to drive me to drink.... :laugh2:

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