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Sugar Scrubs


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it can...but you can also use less oil and have it the consitancy of wet sand

agreed, this is usually how I make mine. I just cant stand the oil on the top. Then again I am sure there are special thinkeners and stuff you could put in there that would make it more creamy and not so oily or sandy. But I just use mine for myself at the moment and can live with the sandy feel.

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One of my favorite national brands runs about $15 for a five oz plastic jar... and even it has the oil sitting in the top half. They sell it with a small clear almost wedge like stirring spoon. It didn't bother me, but it does make it harder to deal with as the oil escapes and it's hard to open and close at times. The silly little spoon thing was kind of ridiculous to me because it's hard enough to just deal with the package it's self,-when in the shower- let alone a CLEAR plastic stir stick! As a matter of fact, the price of this stuff- and the so very basic ingredients is what turned me onto making my own. My fave scent was discontinued, so I put a watch out or it on Ebay, and the stuff goes like gold. It's crazy. I like it but hello!- it was too expensive in the first place- I sure as hell am not going to pay more!

Ok, i'm done. :D Don't worry about the oil. Lol, unless it bothers YOU.

If you want to just add less oils, don't worry either. It doesn't affect the quality or reduce the softening effect... it's all in the sugar/salt and it will only absorb as much as it can no matter how much you put in...just gives you less product if you hold back on some oils. But the cheap stuff is the bulk of it anyhow.

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