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Need help finding an OUTSTANDING straight Cranberry


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I'm looking for an AWESOME cranberry FO for my sister.

The two that I've tried have not passed mine or my sister's noses. ;)

One (JS) smelled like Cherry, and the other one (can't remember supplier) smelled like plastic. :(

I don't want a spiced cranberry but just a straight cranberry that smells like CRANBERRY.



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Good luck trying to find 1.

I have been on the hunt for the perfect cranberry for over a year now.

The only 1 I found so far that is pretty darn good is Cranberry Muffin from ICS.

I smell no muffin in it just cranberry and it is nice.

But I know there is a better 1 out there because someone sold me some before, But she couldn't remember where she got it...

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Hi. My favorite straight cranberry scent is Cranberry Relish from The Candlemaker's Store. Despite the name, there are no notes other than cranberry. I've tried it in 4 or 5 different paraffins, and it threw well in all of them. I was suprised at the throw, because the out of bottle smell doesn't seem that strong. Hope this helps.

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Originally Posted by scentsme

what about Just Scents "Cranberry Sauce"?

That's the one that smelled just like cherry to my sister and me. ;)

ditto on the smelling like cherry for my hubby!! I couldn't put my finger on it, but yes I agree. It reminds me of those red gum drops. My aunt used to put those thingies in cookies way back when!! :D

Oooh this thread is just in time, I was looking for a good cranberry myself!!:highfive:

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