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bleeding scalp


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Sorry don't mean to gross ya all out dammit. My son was having a hissy this morning when he got out of the shower-said he had really bad dandruff. So I told him to wash his hair again and actually but some finger movement into it(u know how lil boys r...). Well he asked me to check and see if it was gone-there was still some dandruff, but he had a few spots on his scalp that were bleeding, ummmm help anyone-not sure if I should try some medicated shampoo or if that would irritate the sore spots even more?

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Medicated will irratate the sore spots but it will also help depending on what the cause of his skin condition is. I have Psorisis on my scalp and I have to use medicated shampoo to get rid of it when it "breaks out'. I find the fall and winter to be worse for it... this probably didnt help but I know his pain... but I would be careful to just chock it up to dandruff... as in a lot of cases its not...so Head and Sholders or whatever wont REALLY work... may seem to but as soon as u stop using it it will come back..

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Does he have dry or itchy skin anywhere else? So many things could be at the root of the problem. It could be over productive oil glands, thyroid problems, excema, psoriasis, or vitamin deficiency as a few reasons for the condition, which might warrant a trip to the doctor.

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He's never had any skin problems, a few pimples here and there but he's 14-got that puberty thing going on:rolleyes2 . Like I said this is the first time it happened so I will keep a watchful eye on it, I just felt bad cuz the poor kid had to go to school all paranoid this morning-he washed his hair twice and I went through it with a comb and tried to pick it all out.

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There are two forms of Dandruff. Basic dandruff which most people get from a dry scalp which is usually treatable with an over the counter dandruff shampoo. You cannot see anything on the scalp itself. Then there is the Seborreic dandruff which usually has an oily form to it and sticks to everything. The scalp tends to look crusty. A dermatologist can usually advise a good shampoo or give a prescription for the more severe conditions.

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It kinda reminded me of the cradle crust that babies get. I'm just hoping that it's because he's not really scrubbing when he washes his hair- I'm gonna inspect everyday now and keep an eye on it.

My oldest son gets this exactly, but just in one spot on his head ~ about the size of a quarter or half dollar. When he first opened it and it was sore I put Emu oil on it (straight). Then after it healed when it flares up (he sees flakes, but knows now not to dig at it), I use Scalpicin and within a few days he's good as new.

Have yet to figure out a rhyme or reason as to why it happens, just "one of those things" .....

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You could make your own shampoo bars and add stuff like tea tree oil, neem oil, emu, etc. These are all really good for the scalp and skin and supposed to help with skin problems and conditions. Add some jojoba for some conditioning properties. You could come up with your own special formula for a soap that could be awesome.

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Use T/Sal shampoo by Neutrogena. You just need to use it for a few days, and then as needed. I use it every couple of months, and get them hard flaky pieces of skin, but this cures it. You can get it at wal-mart. I have two auntsthat are beauticians and they recommended it.

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