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I have been working with a labeling company trying to get my labels and hang tags done. I am sorta leaving it up to them to design my logo. They have came back with nothing so far. I told them I wanted a rustic look and they send me labels with heart...OMG! Anyways does anyone on here use an online printing company that I could try out? Thanks....in advance!

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I have been working with a labeling company trying to get my labels and hang tags done. I am sorta leaving it up to them to design my logo.

My advice to you is to get an "idea" of what you want and then give them a bunch of pictures to work with.

When we did our label, I showed the woman 3 fonts I liked & many many pictures along with color swatches. That is how we came up with our label.

If you leave them to their own devices, they will never get it right - BELIEVE me - or you will get a bunch who think you SHOULD do it this way or SHOULD do it that way... (see my rant for details lol)

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I was a graphic artist in another life, and it's difficult to understand what people want without great articulation on their part. While I understand your frustration, what type of information did you give them? Rustic to one person is a wooded cabin, rustic to another is prim, to some, I see where they would think a "heart" is country-rustic.

Sometimes leaving too many options for creativity can be overwhelming for the designer. Good luck and be patient (you'll need it). I hope they aren't charging you by the hour though.

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You seriously need to give them some type of idea. You think being a layperson you can go do a print shop, or designer, etc., and they will magically come up with the perfect design. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't.

I've got to tell this story, although it does nothing to help you, but only illustrates my point about the lack of creativity in people. I have a store, and wanted to put an ad in the newspaper. I sell mostly candles and home decor. So the paper's sales rep came out to my shop, took a look around and said she would have their artists whip up a proof for me. What I got astonished me. They just had a picture of a houseplant. That was it! Why they thought that related to my store I have no idea. Needless to say, I created my own ad.

Ok, back to you...when you say rustic, are you thinking mostly about colors, or do you have images in mind? Did you discuss with the printer how many colors to use in your logo?

So you didn't like the heart, what other rustic things do you think of: pine trees, moose, pip berries, ivy, buttons, baskets, fences, calico prints, americana/flags, dolls, crows, pineapples, stars? Something else?

What is the name of your company by the way?

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Does the label making company specialize in graphic design? If not, asking them to come up with a label design might be out of their league. If its something they do..then I agree with what sockmonkey said about trying to find some more description of what rustic means to you to give them to work off of. I also would recommend Sweet Pea 'N Me, she has done a great job for me with my labels and is very easy to work with. Sometimes two people, both very good at what they do, just don't mesh well together for whatever reason. If you haven't already paid for the labels and are truly unhappy with the proofs you've been given, I would try another company. Best of luck to you with your labels... :)

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