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I've made a personal decision.


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Yesterday I posted in a thread about pricing candles and had concerns about pricing them. Well, I spoke to my husband and he agrees - so I've come to a decision. I've decided that my candles will only be for personal use and gifts. Candle making for me is going to be a craft and hobby rather than a business. My reasons are 1. I don't have the money to do tons of testing with different products, etc. 2. They are worth more to me than they would be to anyone else because I put hard work and effort into them and I feel that my relatives, friends and myself will appreciate them more. 3. I live in a rural area. I don't work outside the home. There isn't a place for me to market them. I've looked around online and auctions and online sales aren't always the best route for selling. 4. I'm a perfectionist. My candles are very good quality, but I'm so picky that I'd probably always find fault, no matter how small and would always be trying to change things and that creates frustration and big costs. I can be a bit compulsive. LOL So anyway, I won't be selling, but I will still be here to learn and enjoy the craft with other candle makers. :)

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Wow, you hit a lot on the nail there, very smart considerations. I find most apply to me :D I still would like to sell again though but I have become so darn picky it's not easy to settle. The nice thing about your decision though, is you can always change your mind later. Have fun with it cause making candles as a business can sometimes take the fun out of it and then it becomes more work (burn out) then it's sometimes worth.

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It's very smart of you to think this through like you have. Can I please ask one thing of you? When you say you don't have the money to test the different products, please still test each fo and size candle to make. Whether or not it is a gift or for sale, it still needs to be safe.

The business end of business bites, and I commend you for enjoying the craft!

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Bunny, oh I sure will! Not to worry about that. I know the candles still need to be safe. I've already been testing like crazy. What I meant was that I'd rather use one or 2 reliable waxes and stick to making them rather than trying 10 different waxes, 20 different wicks, etc. Now that I'm taking the worry and frustration out of it, I'll be able to have fun and enjoy. No more worries about perfect tops, frost or wet spots, no more worries about finding expensive jars because the jelly jars aren't selling, etc. I'll make what I like, test, test, test and take my time with it and share them with family and friends - after they were tested first of course. :)

I just found that I was always having to order something else, always worrying about what other people are going to want, what sells, perfect candles with perfect tops, the cost has been going through the roof. I started this for myself and things were getting out of hand. It was getting not so fun anymore. Know what I mean?

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I can definitley relate.. I have spent THOUSANDS on testing.. the way it should be if you are trying to make a product that is both safe and good! I was warned... and they were all RIGHT ON! Funny how experience works that way.. I am now happy with the candles that I make and I scour this and other forums for good ideas that will make my candles better. I am finally confident in all aspects of my candles.. it took a long time to get here, but all the work was worth it.. Nothing like smelling my own candles.. and looking at them burn perfectly! Thanks God for the men and woman who have shared their failures and triumphs here for all of us to learn from. Enjoy your candlemaking! If you get burned out.. take some time off until you can re-ignite the bug to make some more.. I found this to be very important.. especially when trying to find the right wick(s). Your family and friends are sure to enjoy and appreciate them! Good Luck!

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