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Hi everybody!

Can someone help me to understand the FO percentage system? I know the general rule of thumb is 1lbs. to 1oz., but then why do some waxes say 5% or 8% etc.? Currently I use the 1/1 ratio and want to see if I can't make the candles any stroger, but I'm not sure how to measure or figure this out. Any help would be so greatly appreciated! TY :)

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nevermind nevermind!

I just finished reading every thread in every category of this message board! I feel soooo educated now, and have even found the answer to my own ? buried waaaaay back to the very first posts. Along the way, I noticed that the same questions were being asked over and over again. Moral of this thread? Newbies read the whole message board, it may take all night, but I promise you will end up a much much wiser newbie chandler! (plus you won't PO the experts on here for asking what has already been asked!) my eyes hurt...:laugh2:

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There was a recent thread about this too! I remember, because I responded to it saying 6% scent would equal 1/16 (one oz. to 16 oz.), which works out to be .0625%, or 6 1/4%. So that is roughly 1 oz. fo per pound of wax.

Good for you on doing some researching! Takes time, but what thing worth doing doesn't? :D I was a total search idiot in my newbie days. :confused:

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