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OK..You all are brave souls


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I have been looking at these beautiful b&b creations by you creative people and then I finally decided that maybe, just maybe I should try this. I go and look at the tutorials,,,,,, and there are warnings of wearing face masks, warnings of "VOLCANIC" eruptions and man, did I read the scariest way to make soap or is this normal??? Is there a safer, less scary way to get into bath and body? That or maybe I should just stick to the less scary candles!:( :undecided

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It looks scary at first but really it is not. I was so concerned the first time I made soap. The fear of Lye lol but did it once and it was not as scary as it looked. Just read everything you can, FOLLOW ALL SAFETY RULES and you will be fine. For scrubs, lip balms and such it is not scary at all just jump in and have fun.. Don't forget the safety rules and do all your research first. Also remember to ask questions if you do not understand, never feel stupid for asking if you need to understand it better. Some one will try to help. Renember we were all beginners at one time. Good Luck!

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I hope that you have a very understanding and supportive husband because once you start, you wont be able to stop! These crafts are the most addicting of anything that I have ever done! I think I could quit smoking easier than giving up my crafting! Speaking of which, I think I am going to HAVE to quit just to save the money for more supplies! LOL

Be sure that whatever you decide you want to get your feet wet trying, you do lots and lots of research and don't be afraid to ask questions! If you do your research and come to this board for help, most of us will do all that we can to help you!

A few words of advise, it is always safer to use EXTRA safety measures than to use none at all or minimal till you know what you are doing easily! If you weren't afraid at all, you would possibly be careless and someone could get extremely hurt!

There are many less dangerous things you could try and work your way into the more daring things! Most of all, do what you feel you would enjoy the most because if you cant enjoy this, you wont have fun and it would be a chore to you!

Good Luck and know that you have people here who care and are willing to help!

God Bless,


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Yes, you have definitely come to the right place. I have only been here a month and the people here are so supportive and there is LOADS of info about nearly everything you need to know about making soap, scrubs, lip balm, etc. Because of the wealth of experience I learned from other's mistakes and am becoming increasingly addicted to making more and more products!! Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

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Soap volcanos are not a normal part of a soaping routine. Hey, they happen ... but I've been soaping for years and never experienced even one. So I wouldn't sweat it! Just soap at cool temps, pour the batter into the mold, wait 12-24 hours, cut it into bars, wait a few weeks for it to cure. End of story! :grin2: You can do it!

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A few words of advise, it is always safer to use EXTRA safety measures than to use none at all or minimal till you know what you are doing easily! If you weren't afraid at all, you would possibly be careless and someone could get extremely hurt!

The safety issue is the most important. Wear long sleeves and gloves! Lye burns hurt alot!!! You don't want to find out the way I did!:(

As long as you follow proper procedure and take proper precautions, everything should go just fine.

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