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Name Contest! Winner gets Cut-n-carved candle!


Which form of FINE do you like best?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Which form of FINE do you like best?

    • Our Fine Crafted Indulgences
    • Our Finest Crafted Indulgences
    • Our Finely Crafted Indulgences

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I am so mad !!! I had about 40 or so names down and posted here and went to preview before posting and my elect went out from a storm and shut my computer down ............GRRRRRRRRR Of course I hadn't saved it in notepad.....:mad:

I'll never remember any of them now, I worked for hours on those names :mad: Dang it


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Please read a previous post in this tread that explains the initials O F C I! I know that this is challenging and think you all are doing a wonderful job coming up with the names that you have!

Wow, you all are so creative! I wanted to join this contest but couldn't think of anything. Waaaahh! Lynn, maybe I'm missing something, but is there a particular reason why you chose the initials OFCI? Are these random initials or do they mean something?

Chickie, Please try again! 40 combos. WOW!! I really would love to see what you came up with! You still have plenty of time to get your entries in!

Everyone is doing such a great job here with your entries!! Please keep them coming in!!

Good Luck and God Bless,


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Sage, Im not that mean! LOL I would never just make something extremely diffiicult to make it so much harder for someone to win something! Believe me, I could have come up with a MUCH simpler name with much better initials than these!!

I am amazed at the imagination of these enteries! Great minds working here!!

Thank you all so much!! I would love to make you ALL winners but boy, that sure is alot of wax! LOL

Keep your entries coming!!

Good Luck and God Bless,


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Well Lyn these are a bit silly, some retarted and some stupid

But I thought if I put them up, you could take them all and pick and piece together your own!

There were to many above to see if I was duplicating, so if I did, I am sorry.

Overly Friendly Countryside Inventory or Inventor(s)

Opportunity for Crafty Indulgence or Ingestion!

Our Formal Craft Institute or Inventory

Our Factory Craft Institute or Inventory

Our Forever Creative Inventory

Our Friendly Craft Inventor or Inventress

Officially Forever Craft Inventions

Officially Friendly Craft Inventions

Official - Friendly - Crafty - Inventor or Inventress

Official Fancy Craft Inventory or Inventions or Institute

Official Friendly Crafter Inside!

Only Friendly Customers Inside! I know getting silly now

Our or Only Fancy Creations or Crafts Inside

Our or Only Fine or Finest Creations or Crafts Inside

On Fire Crafty Inventory or Inventor

Our Fragrant Crafty Inventions

Our Forever Concoctions Invented

Outragious - Finatical - Creavtive - Inventions or Inventory

Outragiously Fine Crafts or Creations Invented

Our Finely Crafted or Created Inventions or Inventory

Officially Fine Craft Inventions or Inventory or Inventor or Inventress

Ony Friendly Creators or Creations Inside

Outragious Fun Creations Inside

Our Fun Creations Inside

I think I am out of thought

If you liked Fairies and had some in there you could do things like

Our Fairy Creative Inventions

Only Fairies Creating Inside!

Our Friends Come Inside

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Your humor cracks me up Judi!! Thank you for your entries, you've got some good ones in with some of those silly ones!! I know a few that I may use for signs on my workshop door! LOL

Keep all those entries coming folks! You ALL are doing wonderful and helping me so much!!

God Bless and Good Luck,


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Too funny Judi! My workshop will be in my home! (Its now my kitchen) Does that mean if I use the word institution, which this nut house seems to qualify for, that people will not disturb me while I am working and acting like a mad scientist?? Heck, Ill even put up some crime scene tape if it would give me 5 minutes of uninterrupted peace! LOL Thanks for the suggestion my friend! LOL

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Hi Big Cat, No, the deadline for the contest is Sept. 30th at Midnight. Winner will be announced on October 14th!

Keep those entries coming folks! You all are doing wonderful!!! I sure do appreciate each and every one of you!!

Good Luck and God Bless,


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You are to funny Lynn, you crack me up :laugh2:

Ok, here is the plan.....get up in the morning, tease your hair wild. Get a fake third eye and plant it on your forehead. Whip up a some volcanic mixture on the counter wiht some dry ice for smoke or talc powder.....button your shirt lopsided and put your pants on backwards (sweat pants are most comfortable) and growl at anyone that speaks to you.....if they don't leave you alone after that...... then they are NUTS! LOL

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Its much too early to be laughing this darn hard! LOL

You mean to tell me that Im not already supposed to be looking like this? Short of the third eye, well, I at least FEEL like I might look like this! LOL You should have seen me make my first batch of soap one day. I had my lab coat, a safety chemical yellow apron, goggles, filteration air mask, surgical pants and my goggles kept steaming up which made my mascara run slightly, and my hair that was in a pony tail and clipped up kept coming loose. I sure FELT like this! It was even funnier when I measured out some TD for something else from the bottom of a bag that it came in! I scared my grandmother, and my dogs were barking at me!! But Ill be darned if they all didnt keep trying to come into MY kitchen when I was working with the Lye for the first time!! :whip:

You are to funny Lynn, you crack me up :laugh2:

Ok, here is the plan.....get up in the morning, tease your hair wild. Get a fake third eye and plant it on your forehead. Whip up a some volcanic mixture on the counter wiht some dry ice for smoke or talc powder.....button your shirt lopsided and put your pants on backwards (sweat pants are most comfortable) and growl at anyone that speaks to you.....if they don't leave you alone after that...... then they are NUTS! LOL

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Hi Big Cat, No, the deadline for the contest is Sept. 30th at Midnight. Winner will be announced on October 14th!

Keep those entries coming folks! You all are doing wonderful!!! I sure do appreciate each and every one of you!!

Good Luck and God Bless,


Very clever Lynn, very clever

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