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Soapers withdrawl..... I'm about to have a break down.


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So, I thought I'd pop in today and post something... I'm about to have a serious withdrawl (I think I need to be commited :grin2:) I just used the last of my palm oil last night making children's soaps.... I just ordered from FNWL because they're very thoroughly, the quality is nice and the orders are quick. I'm thinking that they may be busy and I won't get my order until Monday... What am I going to do this weekend?!!! :(:(

Share your soaping withdrawl stories..... (It'll give me something do do this weekend...:laugh2:)

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You know what though, I picked a big tub ( I mean HUGE tub) of Lard up in Wal-mart last month... just for the sake of literally picking it up and imagining it was coconut oil or another veggie oil...... The big LARD in green was kind of a turn off, so I put it back on the shelve... I'm such and oil snob... I haven't even used Crisco (yet)......

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I'm too ashamed to tell anyone how soaping withdrawals have affected my ability to think of anything else.....doesn't matter what I am doing:undecided ..just an addict!

Hey can you make LS this weekend? that should keep you pretty busy:D and btw how long did you say that you stored your last batch? if you have anymore paste left....

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