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When pouring into glass

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Hey everyone, just a quickquestion. I would like some advice when pouring into a glass container. I just got done making one and instead of the finish of the candle beingcrisp, it looks like its funky (will attach pic)

I heated the container in the microwave for about 2 minutes so it wasnt hot wax going to a cold container, so some help is needed, maybe too much F.O.? Not entirely sure, thanks for the help couldnt ind much in the help of the search function.



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First off, I hope you weren't heating glass in the microwave without anything in it - that's a safety issue. And, you aren't using the microwave to melt wax are you?

I saw your containers in the gallery and to me it looks like it could be a couple things:

- dye was not fully dispersed in the wax

- wax was really poured at the wrong temp

- its a mottling container wax you used (this wax looks like when I tested IGI 1288A - except the color was much more uniform).

Are you using a scale to weigh things out or just "guesstimating" ? Using a good thermometer to keep track of heating and pouring temps? Stirring well, etc. If you are following the directions religiously, then maybe it is just crappy supplies - garbage in - garbage out. (Though I LOVE the look of mottled containers, votives, and pillars - this obviously is not what you are after from your post).

I have no idea what wax you are using - but assuming its a container wax with a melt point at around 130F, adding 1 or 2 % vybar 260 will probably get you want you are after with the wax - a creamy smooth look - like the candles on this page http://www.candletech.com/containercandles/ ?

If you are doing everything by the book and its still not working out, probably a good idea is to just next time go with a container blend - something from IGI or a good "house" blend like candlewic.com, etc.

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Well I didnt have anything in the jar when I heated it up, it went in bare, as I usually put my tabbed wicks in when the wax has cooled a bit. As for the garbage in garbage out, yea.... the credit card is a big issue I have, (line of credit is too tight to purchase online currently, but ordering Peak's stuff will be my reward for paying it off) but as far as Yaley is concerned, I have had good success with the hot throw.

As for supplies, its all Yaleys (as mentioned before as to why) and it was the glass wax that they have, and my thermometer was at about 150 Deg. when I added dye, I stirred approximately 3 min. then added scent at 140 then stirred, then poured at about 135. No Vybar was added.

I guess its back to the drawing board as far as getting a good look to it, but I have heard from the person I gave it to ( a trusted co-worker) that the hot throw was off the charts better than Y...... and he was overly pleased with how far away he could smell it. Well I will print the instructions that you linked up for the container and try that with the next one I make.

Never realized that adding dye last would be better to make sure everything is mixed in, when it is mixed in properly will it all look like regular melted wax or will it lok differently somehow? Thanks for the help.

And to the last poster, no it wasnt over-heat that brought that appearance on, I think the container wasnt warm enough and I didnt really do it properly, but it adhered well.


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Kevin, you can put your containers in the oven set at 170 for a few minutes to warm them up before pouring your wax. Or if you have a heat gun a quick blast will warm them up. You'll probably have better luck if you adhere your wick to the bottom of the container before pouring your wax. You can use hot melt wax or clear silicone on the bottom of your wick tab to stick it to the bottom of your container. Good Luck

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Well, here's some tips.

Do NOT use a microwave to heat wax, unless it's soy, and that has been known to be iffy for some people too. First of all, stick your jars in a warm oven, set to 150 degrees. The safest method of melting wax is the double-boiler method. Take a pot of water, and fill it up about half way. Put it on the stove on medium heat, and place your pouring pot of pre-measured wax inside the pot of water. Now, clip your meat/candy thermometer to the side, and stir occassionally, until you reach about 180-185 degrees. Add your color...do not use crayons!!! These clog your wicks! Remove from heat (cool to about 170-175), once color is mixed well into the wax. Add your FO, and stir slowly, as to not create bubbles. Take your jars out of the oven...it's time to wick your warm jars. Thread the wick through the empty barrel of a BIC pen, until the tab is flat against the edge of the pen barrel...add a drop of hot glue to the wick tab from a hot glue gun, and carefully guide the wick into the center of the jar, and stick it down...center it the best you can. Give your wax another thorough stirring to incorporate the fragrance oil. Now, you can pour your wax into the warm jars...slowly!!!! Allow the wax to cool completely. If after pouring (while the wax is still liquid), you see small air bubbles coming up to the surface, tap your jar gently with a spoon or knife, and pop them with a toothpick. Then...leave them alone until completely set up and cool. Hopefully this will give you better results.

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As for supplies, its all Yaleys (as mentioned before as to why) and it was the glass wax that they have, and my thermometer was at about 150 Deg. when I added dye, I stirred approximately 3 min. then added scent at 140 then stirred, then poured at about 135. No Vybar was added.

I guess its back to the drawing board as far as getting a good look to it.

Temperature is your problem in a nutshell. Add the FO at 180, stir for 2-3 minutes, add the color, stir some more. Cool to the recommended pouring temp, stirring again before you pour. Your temps were too low to properly incorporate the fragrance and dye.

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