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CP Soap Recipe Not Sure what to call it


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Okay I remember my mother making a plain old lye soap that didn't lather very well but it worked on laundry stains and that's all she used it for. Not for bathing. I'm sure they didn't use all of the fancy oils that are being used today. I figured it was probably just lard, lye and water. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and can help out here?

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100% coconut makes a great laundry soap, too.

I hope ya'll don't think I'm too ridiculously stupid, but would you use this as a stain stick only, or could it be used as a general laundry soap? How would you measure/add to the machine if used as laundry soap?


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Bumping in hopes of learning more!!!

I've never known anyone to make their own laundry soap, so I'd really like to know how the coconut bar is used. Is it a stain stick, like the lard bar, or can/should it be used for general laundry soap, maybe shredded before adding to the machine? Thanks in advance for answering what is probably a seriously dumb question.

I don't enjoy sounding like a dolt, but this really picqued my interest!! I've only made two batches of HP and am madly in love with soaping. I want to make it all!!! CP is next, I'm gonna build a mold this weekend.


100% coconut makes a great laundry soap, too.

The 100% lard is more economical, though

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Hi Lisa,

I too would like to know this. I would think that you would just grind it into a very fine powder. I remember reading somewhere on making it a liquid soap. I made some laundry soap once I'll see if I can find the recipe. It had borax, arm and hammers washing soap (crap can't remember the name) and grated soap. Guess I'm just brain dead today. That seems to happen with old age.

I found the name lol.

:laugh2: I'll look and see what I can find.

I found this which I'm finding very informative. HTH


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For a stain remover, I would use a bar of the soap, wet the stain and then rub the stain with the bar until it has a good coating of the soap on it. It won't be like the stain sticks you buy from the grocery store.

For laundry soap, do a search on the board. I am sure there is a recipe here for it. If not, I'll ask the person I got mine from for the okay to post it here (it's not mine, so I can't post without asking).

I use bars from batches that ended up not smelling so well or looking so good and add enough lye to bring it to a 0% discount. I do not make special soap just for laundry soap (another good way to get rid of stinky or ugly soap) and I do add orange EO to the laundry soap. And rinse with vinager.

It is a whole lot cheaper making your own and it works just as well, if not better than commercial brands, IMO.

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