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Bath & Body Sales!


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Hi everyone! I'm new here and new to the bath and body scene. :) I have been researching this on the internet for a couple months now and decided it's something I really want to do. I am just crazy about everything bath & body! I've ordered a few items & made some test products and they turned out even better than I could have imagined :) I have so much planned out (products, labels, insurance, web design, advertising etc) but I am wondering what kind of business to expect. Now, obviously I know no one can predict sales lol, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experience as a new shop.

I was wanting to primarily sell bath & body products & I have researched everything so much but I am totally clueless as to how much buisness something like this can get. I am planning on having a fairly professional (imho) look and advertise quite a bit - I'm scared that I'm going to not order enough supplies and end up with a bunch of orders waiting forever, or I'm going to end up with hardly any orders and a bunch of gallons of lotion sitting around :laugh2:

Please forgive me if this is an inappropriate question to ask. I don't mean to ask anyone what kind of money they are making or anything, but it would just be so helpful if I had some sort of vague idea of what to expect when first opening:)

Thank you very much!

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When launching a new business, it really does take time to get "noticed" and to establish steady, repeat business. There aren't too many shortcuts. It took a year or two for me to get rolling, but I decided to hang in there. Very few businesses are huge success stories overnight. Takes time, hard work, and diligence. Not to mention gallons of patience. LOL :)

I started out with candles only, then gradually added B&B and handmade soaps. As you might expect, my candles took off and continue to lead the way in sales, with the items I added later starting to pick up steam later. Make sense? :)

You'll eventually get noticed if you work hard, have a good product, and get your name out there. Good luck in your new ventures, and welcome to the board.

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Welcome, Mandy! I can't help you much with B&B, just want to encourage you to give it a go. Most suppliers ship rather quickly, so you shouldn't have to worry about taking forever to fill an order. Local ones sometimes let you pick up next day! Things definitely seem to start slowly, so you can build up your stock gradually. Good luck!

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Thanks you two! I am so excited about this lol. I hope to learn a lot from this board, it seems like everyone here is so creative :) I have always wanted to do something like this as a hobby & if I can make money from it too, well then hey! Even better!

Just wondering, does anyone here use a candle or bath&body buisness as their main source of income? It seems like something that most people would do as a hobby or for a little extra, but I was wondering if it is possible to become succesful enough over the years to acually make a living. I just think it would be really cool to talk to someone that has actually done that :)

&ps, AJ you're website is so cute!

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There are a few people around here who make a biz out of it full time. I know quite a few pros that have a *very* good biz, but they've been busting their butt for 3 years to get there..

Love of product won't necessarily get you where you want to go - one of the hardest things to do in business is turn a hobby into a profitable venture. Business takes skills that many creative people don't cultivate. You'd be wise to study up on the ideas that the Small Business Association gives online - they have great start-up information.

What to sell is easy - how and where is the hard part :) Welcome!

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There are a few people around here who make a biz out of it full time. I know quite a few pros that have a *very* good biz, but they've been busting their butt for 3 years to get there..

True, true. Having a profitable business is NOT for the faint of heart. :) You work long hours and see little reward at first. You've got to hang in there and not grow weary to finally reap the results.

Good luck, Mandy. Sounds like you've got the drive to succeed! (Believe me, you'll need it! :laugh2: )

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Busting butt here for 4+ years and still squeekin' by ;)

Just seeing an actual profit this year and it took me at least a full year to get "noticed", but I am one of those people that is a work a holic at heart and don't mind all the hours I put in. I mean, what else am I gonna do? This is my only job & sometimes I get to sit on my butt all day (granted I am making bathbombs, but I am still on my butt!)

Good luck to you!!

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