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do you think it would be ok if I used this eo?


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I'd stick that blend in your refrig and wait until after you have the baby. Better to be safe than sorry and I highly doubt your doctor will have the knowledge about these things. If the EO blend is in an amber or cobalt colored bottle and in your refrig, it will wait for you. You're using it for soap, not for a theraputic use, so the time frame isn't as important. If it's not in the proper colored bottle, put it inside a small box (and then the refrig) and be done with it for now.

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Thanks everyone.

I guess what I wasn't clear about...I posted so quickly....was, the warnings against EO - are they for ingesting and using theraputic amounts? Or for simply sniffing? I've always erred on the side of safety and assumed ANY contact with any amount is what the warning refers to. I've just never been able to find any solid info on that...

But, I think I have a new plan....I think I'll just get my husband in there and make him do it lol

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If there is a warning against using the EO during pregnancy (or any other health condition) that avoid it altogther. Don't breathe it in, don't use it in your work room with a mask on, don't use a product that has the EO in it, nothing at all, avoid it all together. Even just breathing in EO, you are getting the effects of it.

If there is not a warning against using the EO during pregnancy, than I would take regular precautions X2 while using it, just to be on the safeside.

Does this answer your question? I'm not sure if it does or not, but I do not want to leave you with an incomplete answer.

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the warnings against EO - are they for ingesting and using theraputic amounts? Or for simply sniffing?
I wondered about this too. None of these warnings are ever very specific, are they? Anyway if I were you, I would err on the side of caution and stay away fro all EO's which have this warning.
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