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I've read up a little on how to rebatch but I'm wondering. My batch that I want to do separated horribly, what would cause this? I set my tube/loaf mold in a loaf pan for leakage and it all oozed out into the loaf pan, but the problem is on one side of the pan is clear oil the other side looks vaguely(sp) like soap. It didn't ooze out looking like soap! Hope this makes sense. I'm just wondering How would I know if I need to add anything. Or should I just toss it and try again.



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first you need to check all of your calculations, did you add to much water, oil or not enough lye??? If all those calculations come back okay then check to be sure that your FO was CP safe. It may have also over heated. If all that comes back okay then read the tutorial on the Millersoap.com website about rebatching and try soaping it again. Just dont add anything else to it when you are rebatching, no water or anything. :D

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All of my calculations seem right( I used soapmaker) but on a later batch I noticed a thin piece of hardened lye in my lye container(if that makes sense) and I don't know if that happened on this batch and I just didn't notice or if all the lye was mixed better. I guess I could go ahead and rebatch and find out. If there isn't enough lye it won't turn out, right? thanks for the help!


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Well people do normally use small lye discounts so it must have been a huge lye discount to not turn out right. If you are not sure if there isnt enought lye, i really wouldnt add more too it, cause then you could use too much lye and the soap will be very drying and cause the skin to burn and itch. Just try rebatching it like it is.

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