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Pumpkin preference......


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Which do you prefer?

NG Pumpkin Crunch Cake

BCS Pumpkin Cheescake

Keystone's Pumpkin Fudge (have not test burned this yet)

I already have WYW Perfect Pumpkin and WSP Perfect Pumpkin (I think are the same). I also have TSB Pumpkin Spice......all from last year. I wanted something a little different to offer this year for a pumpkin. I am having trouble deciding between the pumpkin scents for some reason. I usually know what I like better right off the bat. I am going to burn the Pumpkin Fudge today. I also have tested MMS Pumpkin Pie and really like the smell but did not get a real good throw in the soy I use or in another wax that I also use. I need to test it in the GL 70/30 but need to order more MMS PP. :undecided

Both the Pumpkin Crunch and Pumpkin Cheesecake gave an awesome throw in GL 70/30.

Thanks! :)

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I like NG's pumpkin crunch cake. I haven't tried the pumpkin fudge you mentioned and just got Pumpkin Cheesecake from BCS yesterday so I haven't poured it yet. But to add another to your list you may want to try is Pumpkin and Vanilla from The Candle Source- it throws like crazy in soy and paraffin.

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Like Pumpkin Crunch Cake (NG) using 70/30 also. Have Pumpkin Fudge but not in wax yet. Pumpkin Pie Spice from GL is also very good. Hard for me to choose too, not being very much help. :undecided I am going to go with Pumpkin Crunch Cake for sure and one more. Planned on trying the Pumpkin Cheesecake and glad to know it throws in 70/30. :smiley2:

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I meant to say thanks on this thread. Thank you for posting your favorite. I am still testing, and I am sure I will buy a few more pumpkin scents to test and compare. I will be adding the Pumpkin Crunch Cake for sure. :)

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pumpkin fudge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used plain 415 and it threw GREAT in it..I now use a soy blend and tested it quite a while back but did not really have my biz up as much last fall...so I did not restock it..this year it will be on my list for tomorrows order for sure.

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I agree, the pumpkin fudge is outstanding---you can get the same scent from SS, too, they call theirs vanilla pumpkin I think? ;) I like how it is a good pumpkin without any spice

I love how creamy it smells..makes ya want to dip in your fingers and eat it..I have enough spicy scents in my line so this is better for me to carry than a spicy pumpkin scent...heck you could probably add cinnamon to it and make it pumpkin pie

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