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Health labels


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Hi all. I haven't made any b&b products yet but I plan on making some bath salts and maybe sugar scrubs. My question is do you have to have some kind of health warning label or something on it to protect yourself from all these lawsuit happy people? I mean, I would hate to be sued just because someone used my product in a way it wasn't meant to be used and then sue me for it. Also, does salt scrub spoil? Thanks!

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If you are planning on giving this out to testers or to sell you must follow the federal guidelines for lableing..you must put the ingredient in their proper names on the packaging and the weight of the product ie: Net Wt. 4oz etc..or 6fl.oz. ..and it has to be the correct name..ie; Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)...not just Baking Soda.

You will have to research all this for each product you make..plus the correct names of the dyes you put..ie; red #3 etc..

People who are alergic to something tend to know the names for items they cannot use. Take a look at any bottle in your bathroom and you will know what I am talking about...once you start making b&b stuff you will start to know what the names of the jibberish on the back of these bottles.:wink2:

As far as warnings..you can never be to safe..Not Cosumable. Floor may become slippery..Adult use only etc etc.

As far as the salt scrub if you use an oil that can become rancid after several months then yes it can. Preservative!

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Thank you pamperme! I didn't know that there were so many rules about it. I just bought a jar of bath salts from Cracker Barrel and the only thing they have on their label is the ingredients. Do you have to put a warning label on there? Also, where do you get the technical names of the colors like red#3? I appreciate your help!:D

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your supplier for whatever you buy should be able to produce the INCI names for you.:wink2:

as far as a warning label..my salts have directions for use: Add 1/4 cup to warm running bath water, allow to dissolve, soak for at least 15 minutes. Use caution when exiting tub as it may become slippery. Not Consumable. For adult use only. If rash or irritation occurs discontinue use.

Same kinda things for other products as well..

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Rachel is full of all kinds of useful info. :D

I think putting "discontinue immediately if rash or irritation occurs" warning is very important on all products. That way, you can say it was THEIR fault for using it more if they saw a problem. I know people who use the same products over and over even if it breaks them out. Almost like it's a game to see if it will cause irritation this time around. :P

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I think putting "discontinue immediately if rash or irritation occurs" warning is very important on all products.

I use the phrase "discontinue use immediately if rash, blistering, lesions, bleeding, bruising, tumors, numbness, or any irritation occurs."

Nah. Just kidding. I only said that because mentioning specifics (such as rash) plants the idea in people's heads (whether consciously or subconsciously) that things like that must commonly occur for them to name it specifically.

The phrase I really use is: "As with all products, discontinue use immediately if irritation occurs." The other phrase is "For external use only." I don't mention food or consumable, because once again--that plants an idea.

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