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help with waxes, please

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I have been using J50 and tried JS123. I get a lot of wet spots with J50, none with JS123...but J50 throws much better. I deal with makes scents candle co. and they have MSC300 to replace J300. Does anyone know about this wax? I have only been at this since April and dont know alot about all the waxes. Is it similar to J50. The description says it totally releases from the container for less wet spots, is that a good thing? It seems like if it totally released it would rattle around in the jar, but I dont know. May be a dumb question, huh? Any help would be appreciated, thanks much!

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I haven't tried any of those waxes, but I can't imagine I'd want a container wax that releases on the edges. I'd think it could rattle too, and then melt down the sides for a strange burn. Look for one that is suppose to adhere well to the container. Maybe they used the wrong wording?

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J300 is designed so that the sides of the jar completely release, but not the bottom. I tested this and found that it did release pretty well and never rattled in the jar. I tested J300 against J50 and they are very similiar. I think J50 has a better throw, but J300 was still a good wax. If you can get a replacement, I would test it against J50. :)

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I tested the MSC300 from Make's and it is a good wax. The only problem I had was inconsistency with scent throw in some scents between the J300 and MSC300. I am currently testing MSC123 and 415 soy at different ratios and am liking it much better. I currently use J300 and am trying to find a replacement since I know stock is dwindling. I am also testing Candlewic's CBL 130 and liking it very much. But you can't beat Make Scents prices on the MSC300 and MSC123. Especially if you can pick it up to save on delivery.

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