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Yikes...enormous Schrooms!!

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Ok...as if the ever confusing soy wax issue it not enough...now I cannot figure out why I'm getting such large mushrooms on the top of my wicks. I get them right away, I use cotton wicks based on the measurment of the jar and only use 1oz of FO to 1lb of wax and keep them trimmed. What am I doing wrong? :shocked2:

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If you have different type of wicks, try them and see which mushrooms less and go for that type.

If you don't have a slection of wicks, order samples of different types to try.

I always keep a large slection of different wicks on hand, that way I can test what works best.

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Thanks for all your answers they really are helpful for a Newbie...and now that you mention it Henryk I think that is definitly a possibility it almost looks like the wick splits in two I wonder if cutting it on an angle would make a difference...ahh...another test to conduct.

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I cut them with a very sharp wick trimmer from Michaels. I'm sure you can use a decent pair of scissors (kind for hair) - anything as long its sharp and doesn't flatten the wick - but CUTS it. I then just pinch the wick. Seems to help. This seems stupid but I can't tell you the number of people who PM'd me over the last couple of years and told me its worked. (Guess they were using really dull scissors or something!)

Really though - soy and cotton and fo equals a big mushroom more so than say, paraffin with a self-trimming wick.

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