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Guess what happens when....


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you get pko mixed up with ewax in lotions? IT DOESN'T WORK. How stupid am I?? :mad: They look totally different but just wasn't paying attention. Two batches of emuls. body butter and one batch of lotion later and I finally realized what happened!!

Ok, back to the kitchen. If I don't get it right this time I give up:o


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Meredith don't you feel better now?!? I was thinking of you as I started reading this thread!

Boy you can sure say that! In some ways, it is an easy mistake since they do look similar but definately they do not look the same. There is enough of a difference that you can tell them apart. It sure made me feel stupid when I did that and was a great reminder to pay attention and not soap when in a hurry. LOL

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I feel better now too - knowing i'm not the only dingbat!! (just kiddin). My batch with ewax actually turned into lotion!! :highfive:Not what I was looking for though. I want a lotion that sticks with me and can't seem to figure out what ingredient (s) to add to get it that way. I'm going to post a question about it.


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