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Need some opinions ;)

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Hi all!

Okay, so I'm getting ideas on candles (for favors) to make for my little bro's wedding in October. I only do containers and tarts (for now), so votives and pillars are out. They want a lavender vanilla scent. Here's my question. Since they will be small candles (either 4 oz tins, or 5 oz ginger jars), I'd like to make them "fancy", LOL. I've already gotten some ideas for the labels. How else can I dress up the candles themselves? I'm a bit worried about ribbon around the neck of the candle, since it's a fire hazard once the candle is lit. I thought about putting the entire container in a tulle bag and tying it with a ribbon. You guys always have such great suggestions, any other thoughts? I'd appreciate it :) Thanks!!


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I'm googled out, LOL :P

I have a little collection of pictures that I've collected, and a list of ideas that will probably work, but thought I'd see if you guys have any other "inspirations" that maybe I hadn't thought of :)


Edited to add: Nope, still searching for the metal containers. My brother and his fiancee are coming here for Labor Day and I thought I'd make up some candles in different containers and let them pick which ones they like the best. I have the 4 oz tins, and 5 oz jars so I can get started with them. I spent about an hour this morning searching for the metal containers we talked about! No luck :( Like I said...I'm googled out, LOL

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