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Need a recipe for peeling itchy feet, is there such a thing??


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My son has a reaccuring problem with his feet, they always peel and are itchy. The doctor always prescribes lotrimin, but for some reason it's not working this time. I use the cream plus put powder in his shoes and it's just not kicking it.

Mindy :)

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my husband has gross feet they are always rough and peeling. He uses Kerosil when he has the motivation and it works wonders. It totally softens the skin. Its at all the drug stores. Tell him to try it. Just have him rub it generously on his feet then put some socks on over it during the night and it will soften his feet. Then start using a smooth (not rough) foot file in the shower to break it down.

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Thanks, I'll have to look for that. My son is 5 so he might let me do the foot file thing. I know I have to pick the dry skin off when he is sleeping, so it might take me awhile.

I also read that Tea Tree oil might work, it's in one of the recipes I found, geeze oh petes Tea Tree oil cures everything, lol.

Mindy :)

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My son gets dry, peely feet sometimes, too, but the thing that has worked great for him is when I use my Dead Sea Salt foot scrub on his feet after a nice soak in warm water, and then I follow it up with my own body butter recipe made with Cocoa butter, Kokum butter, and Meadowfoam seed oil. He loves it and it causes the dry, peelies on his feet to go away.


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This is weird but I have heard that some people use a Listerine foot soak, supposedly suggested by their dr. They pour a bottle into a resealable tub and soak their feet in it for about 15 minutes a day and use the same stuff until it turns cloudy. It's suppose to work, I have not tried it.

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I had a problem with my feet too. I've been using my emu balm recipe on them and it's actually helping. If anyone is interested in the recipe I'll be happy to share it. :)

i second this. one of the my feet is always itchy and peeling like crazy. i made a cream from the dish that has emu oil in it and it worked wonders. no more flakes.

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