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Making Hurricane photo candles

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Does anyone make the hurricane photo candles? I got the directions off of this site, have been making them a couple of years with few problems. The last few ones we have made have not been turning out. Part of the wax on the outside of the picture has been falling off. Any ideas? One that I have been thinking is that maybe we are rushing the process.

Thanks, we are open to any suggestions.


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I'm still new to this, but with a great teacher here I learned to leave the candle in the mold over night....makes it much easier to get out of the mold. Mine came out much better when I did that! Hope I helped a little!

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I cant wait either to see the end result, but I learned from the best on here! I use the 5055 wax and did everything she told me to do. And waiting over night really did the best. That way you don't get any smears on the photo or chips or scratches. I have reuturned several to the melting pot myself. But I am getting better with tons of practice. Good luck to ya! Dee

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  • 4 weeks later...

A frustrated me again. I did as suggested and waited over night. Used the fridge, did all that several times and still can't get it to come out right. I made a jillion of these for about two years, with little problem. Now I cannot make one to save my soul. The wax at the front of the picture sticks to the mold. The rest of the candle is fine. I am losing sales, wasted way too much time on this. But when these turn out they are so cool.

I appreciate the help, really. But does anyone have any other suggestions? What am I missing? I dumped the wax, (I use 1343), and started with a fresh batch twice, thinking maybe something got in the wax. Still wondering if that is the culprit.


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I use pariffin wax from Hobby Lobby and Steric 2 Tbls. per pound of wax.I pour around 170 to 180.Dip the picture a couple of times to get air bubbles that collect on the photo.Postion it with metal spoon,then take a cold rag acroos the outside of where the photo is to form like a glue for the photo or till it's white.Rubbing hard with sppon across picture.Put in cold water bath till thickness layer is achieved cut with sharp knife,dump remaining wax then trimof exces waxx then leave sit till cool and pop in freezer for about 10 min.Sorry so long winded but this is what I do.


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There are wax additives that harden your lower melt point wax so you can use it to make hurricanes. I've been doing it with 4045 wax from candlewic for a few years and my hurricanes turn out great!! Since I use a 4" mold instead of 5", they use tea lights only and I provide a glass tea light holder with the hurricane. :cool2:

www.candlechem.com has clear crystals or check out Candlewic's page


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Candle man is right on the mark. You need to use a high melting point paraffin wax for 'canes. 5055 from Candlewic has worked for me when I was having the same problems as you are (using IGI 1260 then). Also check the temp of your water bath. Should be in the 70 degree range. Try a slab from Candle Wic and see if that helps. Good Luck

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