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Goat Milk


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it's County Fair time and I knew that if I waited until the fair I could find someone to sell me some goat milk. I took my son to swim lessons on Tuesday and his instructor told us that she wouldn't be there Wed. as she had to show her pig at the fair. I asked her if she had goats. Short version, she brought me 32oz of Goat milk on Thursday. I strained it and got a couple of hairs out of it then froze it. That was last night. Now I have to decide on a recipe. I've read that some people add the lye to frozen goat milk, others add it to the oils and then add lye water.

I'm so excited to have the milk, now what exactly to soap with it. Any suggestions. I made a batch with coconut milk last night, but have never used animal milk yet.

Thanks for any help.

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I use my normal base oils and replace my water with goatsmilk. I add the lye to it when its frozen to slushy. It will turn a light yellowish brown color. Just make sure you add the lye slowly and stir.

You could try adding a 1 TBS of Honey and 2 tsp of ground oatmeal PP to make an oatmeal milk and honey soap.

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I freeze my goat's milk in ice cube trays that way it's easier to mesaure the correct amount out when I go to use it.

Like Melly - I use the frozen goat's milk in place of the water. As you are adding the lye it will turn a buttery yellow - You need to be careful when using milk as it will "heat up" so as I am combining the two I have that sitting in cool water. One other thing to remember is that when you pour the soap into your mold it will also "heatup" so don't cover it up - you want to keep it a little cool. You can see if it's getting too warm in the mold - the soap will kinda bubble up.


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Or if you have room put the whole mold in the fridge, I do this if i want to prevent gel on the batch, soap comes out a lighter colour after cure if it dosnt gel.

Great idea about the ice cubes, going to go freeze my leftover goatsmilk right now before the carton expires :)

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I use fresh frozen gm also, as my daughter shows dairy goats at our local fairs as well. :)

It makes a really nice "luxury" bar.. I do as the others, I add the lye to frozen/slightly slushy gm then add to my normal soap oils. I prevent gel when I can, so it makes a nice light tan to beige bar of soap.

The only thing I do differently is I actually pasturize my milk before freezing it. I have no idea if it is a needed step, but I do it just because that's how I learned and now it's grown to be a habit. :)

Good luck and have fun with that GM.. It really does make a very nice bar! :)

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I use gm fresh from the goat and freeze it too. I add the lye to the frozen gm. Remember to not rush it. Slowly add the lye - don't be in any hurry or your gm will curdle. It won't hurt it though; just stinks something fierce and will make your soap initially turn a bright orange. That color will change and your soap will come end up pretty dark. If you have patience, your soap won't turn so dark. Good luck.

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