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Yikes the price of wax!

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I'm almost out of container wax and I noticed it had jumped up about $10.00 a case. I'd like to learn how to blend my own using soy and pariffin and I've seen it mentioned many times on the forum but I don't know where to start. Wouldn't it be cheaper to blend your own using the "basic" soy and pariffin waxes? Somebody set me straight if I'm wrong, please. I've tried to do searches and maybe my wording isn't correct, plus no one wants to give out their "secret blend" of course so I'll keep lookin'.Ginger

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We use IGI wax and have received, I believe, six letters from them since last fall, each increasing the wax cost. The last letter said that not only were they increasing the prices, but you have to order a minimum of 25,000 pounds a year (I think that was the number) to order direct from them. Otherwise, you have to go through a distributor, who charges more. Plus, the shipping has gone up with each of our wax orders. Ouch.

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I agree with Ginger.Wages the same and everything else goes up.So how are we able to sell after we do make candles etc.So far this year I haven't started with shows etc but sure this year we are hurting.


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Yeah it is getting ridiculous, in fact so ridiculous that this may be my last year with candles. There is no way my accounts are going to accept the increases passed along to me and if they do they will just buy half as much as they do now. I am at a loss here.

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I was just so stunned. I use IGI 4786 container wax. I had even considered trying to branch out and try some other candles but now I think I need to just wait. I can't afford many mistakes at this price.

The only thing I can think is to raise my price a bit right now. I agree Cindy that people are going to just order/buy less. I was already worried a bit about the festivals this fall. Now I really worry.

I thought this might have been talked about and that I had just missed the thread. You should have seen my face when I saw the price today!

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I don't know what you are paying for your wax over in the states but here in the UK we have only 2 main suppliers of soy wax & neither are " cheap".

It seems that most everyone else who sell the wax get it from the same suppliers & then charge even more. Fair enough as we all want to make a living but it makes it sooooo expensive to buy a small amount for testing & right now I've run out of pillar blend, my washing machine's just died, my son's just moved back to Edinburgh to start work & won't get paid for a while so all my savings have gone to help him through. So all in all not a good day & I'm desperate to get more wax & oils & perfect my pillars.

I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to get my business up & running at this rate.

Sorry for the rant but you all have my sympathy. I love making candles but why oh why does it all cost so much!!!!!!!


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I guess I'll give up candles and just start making mud pies with my grandson. At least I won't have to test anymore stupid wicks. It's just amazing how everything goes up except wages. I think we need to get back to basic living...like Little House on the Prairie. Ginger



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I guess I'll give up candles and just start making mud pies with my grandson. At least I won't have to test anymore stupid wicks. It's just amazing how everything goes up except wages. I think we need to get back to basic living...like Little House on the Prairie. Ginger

I'd go back but I gotta have my fan or AC go back with me. This MA can't take the heat. :laugh2: :laugh2:

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You have our sympathy too Sally.I cannot imagine the cost of your wax with only 2 suppliers.They know they have you.With the states we can get it about anywhere.I know of 5 places near me but I stick with one.That is the first wax I tried and to me was great so sticking to it.

My wax is the same but have been taking advantage of the 99 cent sales for FO.Just 1 ounce but great price.I have the biggest selection now.For jars I have to get some soon.I have plenty of the 8 ounce but need some bigger jars.Not going to make many candles with them because they will not sell at shows.It is the 8 ounce and that certain scent they are looking for.Gee I hope I have at least one they want after all my buying.

Hang in there Sally.I am in the same boat.Son moved back home, everything breaking down and just so much.Husband said we need to hang in there for at least 6 more months and then retirement kicks in.He will also stay where he is till his time runs out.Must be 10 months after retirement age.

Good Luck,


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