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Color Suggestions??

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Does anyone ever add your color suggestions in the general information section on the left of the screen? I sure wish everyone would. It would help so many of us. Some scents, I just draw a blank on what color to do it.

Please add your suggestions!:tiptoe: :confused:

Me too!!! Sometimes the colour I think would go with the fragrance apparently doesnt when my husband gives me that funny look!! LOL:laugh2:

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Does anyone ever add your color suggestions in the general information section on the left of the screen? I sure wish everyone would. It would help so many of us. Some scents, I just draw a blank on what color to do it.

Please add your suggestions!:tiptoe: :confused:

When I colour my candles and am not making custom, I usually go with what the original scent "looks like", like red for watermelon, brown for chocolate, purple for lavender etc., so I guess what you're after is colours for "types" like Passionate Kisses and things. Personally I'd think of what kind of theme my candle is going to have, is it sexy, is it relaxing, is it fresh? And then colour accordingly. Red/black works well for sexy, soft pinks, blues and purples work well for relaxing, bright greens and ivory for fresh, that sort of thing.

In the end, everyone's going to hav a different opinion so do what works for you :D

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