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Pottery Shop Wants My Candles !!??

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I just got an offer to place my candles in a pottery shop.

:yay: It is a place where people go to "make their own"....they pick out a piece and paint it, then it is glazed and fired. They also teach a fefw different types of classes.

Anyway, the owner has been looking for a "candle line" for 7mos.

I was just wondering if anyone here has their product in a shop--

do you "rent" space?

does the owner get a percentage of your sales? what is a "proper" % ?

Also, the lady that teaches the one-stroke painting has seiously suggested that I offer to "make candles" in peoples' finished product, and charge a set amt per ounce to do so....I thought this was a great idea!!

Just looking for thoughts/suggestions.....TIA

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I just got an offer to place my candles in a pottery shop.

:yay: It is a place where people go to "make their own"....they pick out a piece and paint it, then it is glazed and fired. They also teach a fefw different types of classes.

Anyway, the owner has been looking for a "candle line" for 7mos.

I was just wondering if anyone here has their product in a shop--

do you "rent" space?

does the owner get a percentage of your sales? what is a "proper" % ?

Also, the lady that teaches the one-stroke painting has seiously suggested that I offer to "make candles" in peoples' finished product, and charge a set amt per ounce to do so....I thought this was a great idea!!

Just looking for thoughts/suggestions.....TIA

By this do you mean making candles in the pottery pieces that people have finished?

If so, I can see quite a few problems with this, but the biggest glaring one is, how would you have any idea how to wick that candle? And the second one, is how would you test it to know if you got the right size wick? I would assume if you were wanting to do this, it would be because you would want people to experience how great your candles were, so making sure that they burn optimally would be key, and I don't see how you could be sure of that by pouring in other people's containers unless you had a few in each size to test first, which might be a problem considering how many different types there could be lol. Then again, maybe I have completely misunderstood what you were saying~ which wouldn't surprise me at all. :D

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By this do you mean making candles in the pottery pieces that people have finished?

If so, I can see quite a few problems with this, but the biggest glaring one is, how would you have any idea how to wick that candle? And the second one, is how would you test it to know if you got the right size wick? I would assume if you were wanting to do this, it would be because you would want people to experience how great your candles were, so making sure that they burn optimally would be key, and I don't see how you could be sure of that by pouring in other people's containers unless you had a few in each size to test first, which might be a problem considering how many different types there could be lol. Then again, maybe I have completely misunderstood what you were saying~ which wouldn't surprise me at all. :D

as far as the "testing" of the particular jars/bowls/whatever- I would not have to be doing weird shaped things, or pieces that have varied diameters. But that is a thought, and perhaps he would give me a few pieces to test in, and that way we can "offer" the pieces that we know will work. I pretty much have the diameter/wicking thing down, as the waxes I use are very consistant for me.....I know that I have to go up a size w/certain oils. And since the pieces are not glass, they do not have to be colored.


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You need to find out if the owner wants to do wholesale or consignment. You also need to decide which one you'd rather do!

I'm thinking he's interested in consignment....he has some of my brochures and likes my prices. I'm just not sure that I would still be able to make something, if he takes too big of a percentage. My prices are very reasonable, and I'm not out to make a killing, but I definately need to at least pay for my supplies.

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I strongly encourage you to try to get him to do wholesale.

okay....but call me dumb.....does that mean sell them to him @a discount, and let him sell them for what he wants to?? As I had mentioned, he has some of my brochures in the shop already.

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Don't consign. We have found...If the people don't have anything invested...they don't sell them like their "other" merchandise...then your stuff just sits. I don't want to be a downer...but I WISH someone had informed us of this!! Wholesale is the BEST IMO.


(David's Wife)

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I wouldn't take the chance of using other peoples containers. At least with your own you can guarantee and stand by your work. If they give you a faulty container that cracks during a burn and suddenly sets their house on fire their is always some customer who will go after you. Your insurance probably won't cover that because it wasn't your container yet you consented it. Why go through so much effort for that. It should be your work not theirs with your wax poured into it. I also agree with Joyce I have seen a lot of old faded candles in my time collecting dust at tourist shops.

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here goes.....I had a lengthy meeting with him today........

#1- he wants to do consignment. he is also going to get a crafters jewelry in the shop too. He wants to promote local crafts/crafters.

#2- he also wants me to have a monthy "candle party" in the store

#3- he wants me to "teach a candle making lesson".....the "students" would be painting a piece from his store, it will be glazed and fired, and then I will "teach" them how to make a candle in the finished piece.

#4- he will be burning my candles in his store.

Any thoughts on ALL this???

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here goes.....I had a lengthy meeting with him today........

#1- he wants to do consignment. he is also going to get a crafters jewelry in the shop too. He wants to promote local crafts/crafters.

#2- he also wants me to have a monthy "candle party" in the store

#3- he wants me to "teach a candle making lesson".....the "students" would be painting a piece from his store, it will be glazed and fired, and then I will "teach" them how to make a candle in the finished piece.

#4- he will be burning my candles in his store.

Any thoughts on ALL this???

I would never do the "teach a candle making lesson" thing myself. How on earth are you going to teach all those people how to make a candle in their individual "containers"? IMO it would be dang near impossible to do without having first tested every single one of them, and then having the proper wax and wick available for each one.

Burning your candles in his store is good.

Consignment is okay "IF" you're not getting screwed. How much of your inventory are you willing to tie up just letting it sit there in case it wouldn't sell? What percentage of the sale will he keep?

What kind of details did he talk about regarding your "Monthly candle party?"

I mean, is he going to invite his friends to the store so you can display and sell your candles to them>? lol.. that's what I think of when I think "Candle Party" But maybe he has a whole other idea.

More details please ;) lol

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I would never do the "teach a candle making lesson" thing myself. How on earth are you going to teach all those people how to make a candle in their individual "containers"? IMO it would be dang near impossible to do without having first tested every single one of them, and then having the proper wax and wick available for each one.

Burning your candles in his store is good.

Consignment is okay "IF" you're not getting screwed. How much of your inventory are you willing to tie up just letting it sit there in case it wouldn't sell? What percentage of the sale will he keep?

What kind of details did he talk about regarding your "Monthly candle party?"

I mean, is he going to invite his friends to the store so you can display and sell your candles to them>? lol.. that's what I think of when I think "Candle Party" But maybe he has a whole other idea.

More details please ;) lol

okee dokee Annie...

The "teaching" part would consist of a small group that has already "made" thier piece (and they would all be the same). I will have already gotten a finished piece to bring home and "wick-test". I will be "helping" them make their own candle in it.

He has given me a pretty decent sized section to utilize. I will be checking on a weekly basis. He doesn't really care as far as what to put in there, he just wants them yesterday...lol.I also don't think he's interested in making room for my things to have them just sit there. He told me today that he's been looking for someone for 7mos, and was almost thinking of trying to make them himself.

The monthly party would be advertised through his store, and also @ any shows I do.

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okee dokee Annie...

The "teaching" part would consist of a small group that has already "made" thier piece (and they would all be the same). I will have already gotten a finished piece to bring home and "wick-test". I will be "helping" them make their own candle in it.

He has given me a pretty decent sized section to utilize. I will be checking on a weekly basis. He doesn't really care as far as what to put in there, he just wants them yesterday...lol.I also don't think he's interested in making room for my things to have them just sit there. He told me today that he's been looking for someone for 7mos, and was almost thinking of trying to make them himself.

The monthly party would be advertised through his store, and also @ any shows I do.

Is the dude going to supply everything for the students to make their candles? Are the candles going to be unscented? "Helping" them make their candles suggests to me that you will have to have a whole assembly line set up then? Do you have to supply the wax melter? Just a few things to think about, but it sounds like you have it all worked out.

I don't know ANY store owner that WANTS a consigners stuff in their shop to just sit there, however, the reality of life is that sometimes things don't go over well in certain venues, and there's no way to tell until you just try it.

If he was SURE your candles would sell, then i would think he would buy wholesale from you, but I could be wrong. Did he ever give you a % rate for consignment?

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This scenario sounds like a chandler's biggest nightmare, not to rain on your parade intentionally.

Consignment is horrible. Not only do they not try to sell your candles, but they don't take care of them. They have nothing invested so it's just something to fill up space.

As far as teaching anybody anything about making candles, no way. Even assuming you can teach them how to wick a certain piece of pottery, now they're going to think they know how to make candles, and off they go, burning down houses and killing people.

Sorry. I would run as far from this situation as I could get.

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here's another idea we came up with.......

we would pick perhaps 6 of the pieces he has in the store, and I would make a candle in it for the person. We would charge a "per ounce" fee. I will of course have already wick tested the pieces.

Thoughts on this???

Oh- and many thanx for all the input so far!!

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Don't consign. We have found...If the people don't have anything invested...they don't sell them like their "other" merchandise...then your stuff just sits. I don't want to be a downer...but I WISH someone had informed us of this!! Wholesale is the BEST IMO.


(David's Wife)

I agree with this statement. Also, DON'T let them they they won't carry the candles unless you DO it by consignment! Thatt's the oldest trick in the book. Be FIRM for wholesale! And be willing to walk away! If they've tested your candles, they'll call!

DO NOT do thee oddball container pours for this guy! It's far more of a pain than you KNOW!

You are also liable if one of those pieces has a crack and shatter in the customers home! The store own will throw that whole thing on YOU even if they are His pieces of ceramic!

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here's another idea we came up with.......

we would pick perhaps 6 of the pieces he has in the store, and I would make a candle in it for the person. We would charge a "per ounce" fee. I will of course have already wick tested the pieces.

Thoughts on this???

Oh- and many thanx for all the input so far!!

Walk away from this whole thing!

The owner has NOTHING invested at all andd if anything happens, the blame is on YOU!

He's going to have you teach? How long have you been making candles? It's a win/win senerio for him and a nightmare for you! Check and make sure YOUR insurance will cover this whole thing! And make sure HE has insurance too!

Is the owner going to demand a % of every candle party? Is he inviting the people or are you supposed to bring them in??????

RETHINK THIS whole thing because the guys got nothing to lose and you have everything to lose.:tongue2:

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I would not agree to do consignment. Too many problems - most of which have already been mentioned. It will not be worth it in the end. He will not take care of your product - if it gets stolen, goes missing or is damaged, that's money out of your pocket.

I would not agree to teach a class. Period. There are too many things that can go wrong and a high possibility of you losing money on this. Are you even compensated for your time teaching? Who pays for all the supplies? I honestly see this as a money-maker for him and an absolute liablity with no return for you. If someone gets hurt during the class or with a product you made during class, you are liable. And what happens if you are sick or cannot teach? And again, what exactly are you gaining by teaching? You won't gain customers because those ladies will head right to Michaels and pick up wax and start making candles themselves because you made it look so easy. It sounds like you would not only be doing something for free, but also creating possible competition in your area (even if it's shoddy competition).

I would negotiate hard with this man. If he wants your candles, he will have to buy them wholesale, just as he would if he wanted to sell Yankee candles. Set up a reasonable wholesale minimum purchase (at least for the first purchase) and have him sign a drafted agreement.

Any agreement to fill containers should be separate and apart from the wholesale agreement. Honestly, I wouldn't agree to do this because of the liability.

I know it's exciting to get an offer like this, but in the long run this will be much more of a hassle, headache and money-drain than you might expect. The only thing I would agree to would be the wholesale candle stuff and possibly a candle-party, depending on what he really means by that. :)

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