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Muscadine FO?


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Hi All!! I have a friend who I give testers to who has shown my candles around on her own bragging about how good they are!! Well, one of the ladies she showed it to wants me to make some Muscadine container candles for her!! 1/2 pint jars is what she is wanting. Granted, I dont do canning jar candles but I do happen to have a case that I have for canning that I have never used so, if I can find the FO, then the lady will get what she wants and I can test those jars out too! LOL

Any one have any suggestions of who may carry a good Muscadine FO?? This will be for a parrafin wax container. No soy! Does anyone on the board happen to have a few ounces that they would sell to me to sample and make some testers so I can find the FO brand that I want to use??

You can PM me here or email me at ofci@ofci.biz

Thanks all and God Bless,


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Candle Cocoon's scent event oils have a " Muscadine Grape Wine" OOB it smells kinda rank but once it hits the wax it smells exactly like homemade muscadine wine. ( my brother makes his own wine ) It doesn't have that sour smell that wine has just the strong scent of muscadines.

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