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ornie questions


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I have searched till I'm dizzy. I could have sworn there was a post somewhere about how much people were charging for ornies. I can't find it. So could you point me to it, or tell me how much you charge? I'd appreciate some comparison shopping here!

Also, and this is a silly question, what do you call them? Is one an "ornie"? Or are they just "air fresheners"? Just working on labeling ideas....

ummm, can I have 3 questions? I was thinking about putting a tiny hole punch hole in the cello bag so you could sniff them in the packaging. Think that's a bad idea?

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I charge $3.00 for mine. I called my "ornies" at first but calling them air freshners are easier. I use bags that have the zip thing on top and attached the label where they can open and smell. If you poke a hole then the scents might emerge together.


Thekla's Creations

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I call mine Auto Aromas. I package them in a 4x6 cello bag and then create a label out of cardstock and staple it on. Instead of punching holes in your bag, why not just have a designated sample out for them to sniff? That's why I do and it makes it so much easier for the customers to smell. Here's a pic of mine packaged:


I'm sorry as I don't know how to insert an actual pic! Also, I put hanging tabs on them and hang them on a rack display for craft shows. And, I charge $2.00.


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I call mine Air Fresheners because I was always asked what an ornie was.

I sell mine for $2.00.

I put mine in a little ziplock bag with a label on them, I know generic, lol.

I agree if you put a hole in the bag, it might blend with all the other scents. But do think it's a neat idea.

Mindy :)

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I sell mine for $3.00 and they sell great. I call them scented ornaments because I have people that have them in their offices and rooms as well.

Funny thing happenned today, I was straightening up my store room at work and the closet smelled so nice. I couldn't think what it was, then I found a box with about 10 christmas scented ornaments that I had stashed. (Amish Harvest)

I brought them out and hung them around the room LOL ( reindeers, candy canes, sleds ha my workers thought I was cracking) :D

The scent was still strong from December.

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