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What should I try first?


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Ok, so ive been thinking about doing CP for a long time now. Obviously, Im very concerned about working with lye (especially around my 11 month daughter), but yesterday I was doing some research (4 hours worth last night!) on HP soap. I got to thinking that it might be a better method for me because I can pretty much do everything after my daugher goes to bed w/o any interruptions. Then, after looking at the Brambleberry site, I saw that they had some rebatching soap. Would this be a decent thing to experiment with at first? I know its technically not as rewarding as DIY, but so far all ive done is M&P. Im wanting to make a castile soap for my daugher and was curious if I bought some of the castile rebatching soap from Brambleberry would be a good "substitute" for the real thing? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks so much,


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Eugenia put a recipe up for "basically castile" that is 90% Olive Oil and 10% Castor Oil. This was my first CP (actually I did it HP & CP - still waiting for the cure to be over before I decide which I lie better).

It's really easy to do your own - don't know the benefit of rebatching, wouldn't that just be like M&P?

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I was thinking about trying Eugenia's recipe for the castile soap; just not sure about having lye around the house right now.

I know that I can get a M&P castile base, and a rebatching castile base; which do you think would be better?

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Rebatching is basically CP soap that you shred up, add a touch more liquid and remold.....Brambleberry just makes it a little easier for you. M&P isn't even close to the quality of rebatched CP soap. M&P is loaded with surfecants and chemicals.

Give it a try.....it's as close to making your own CP as you can get without being to time consuming. Have fun!!

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Thanks Chris! Time (and safety) is really of the essence now that my daughter started crawling last weekend. Dont have alot of time to spend on my projects lately:( . Now, if I could only get the rebatch soap delivered before the weekend (which is a long shot); I'd be very happy!

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