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So maybe I won't quit....


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ARGHARGHARGH! I'm so frustrated! I know that I made the decision to quit business and keep up B&B and candles as a hobby, and I felt really great about that decision, but now I'm second-guessing it. I've really struggling with all the talk of Christmas, I am really having a hard time sticking be my decision. This is my absolute favorite time of year to make candles, and I get to pour scents that I only pour at this time - and I was going to add 2 new Christmas fragrances this year. Also, as with most of us, this is my biggest money-making time. Flip side, I'll be having a baby at the beginning of November, BUT if I get in gear now, and limit my offerings, I can actually get most everything made before then. I have a store here that carries my candles and gift boxes and last year they did CRAZY sales at Christmas, and they just mentioned to my cousin that they need me to check in with them for more stock.

So, I'm thinking that I might be able to keep it up on the wholesale side, and if I do Christmas this year, I'm not committing to anything big - I haven't sold off much of my candle stuff, and I have enough B&B stuff that I kept to make plenty of Christmas lotions and creams....ARGH!

I guess I'm just looking to ramble and blow off steam, and tell you guys how mad I am at you because you keep talking about Christmas FOs and gift sets and stuff, LOL!

Don't feel obligated to answer or to give me any kind of real advice, I'm working through this and will definitely be able to come up with an answer that works for my family, so it's not like I'm leaving it up to y'all to decide, but if you have an idea or comment that will help, by all means, chime in!

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Hannah was a month old before I was able to make candles again, granted I had a c-section. I keep everything in my shop and only work out there when DH is home in the evenings. I could go out there during naptime, its right next to my house and use a monitor, but I'm not comfortable with that...anything can happen! I still make candles, its hard, but it gets done. And its very relaxing to be able to have some me time, and some quiet time for myself that I wouldn't get otherwise. Plus DH can't complain...its my business...lol. I toyed with the thought of quitting also, but I just couldn't imagine life without it!

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its very relaxing to be able to have some me time, and some quiet time for myself that I wouldn't get otherwise.

LOL - I make candles on the other side of the gate while the baby hangs on (to the gate) and hollers to be let in and the toddler shows and tells me about every toy and topic she can think of.

Quiet time indeed.

But it's still better than not pouring. ;)

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LOL - I make candles on the other side of the gate while the baby hangs on (to the gate) and hollers to be let in and the toddler shows and tells me about every toy and topic she can think of.

Quiet time indeed.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, that's hilarious.

Thanks so much for the input so far...I knew that there would be a sense of loss when I decided to dial it down, but I am just heartbroken at missing this upcoming season, I didn't know I would feel this way. You people - you knew it, didn't you?!

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You cannot kill passion about something. You can redirect it for a while but it will always come back to the surface.

I say do what you love. There is no reason not to. You can set your own schedule and stick to it.

I am a mother of three (8,6 &4). I work full-time (32 hrs. a week). I took Wed. off from work this summer so I can do market on Sat. and Wed. I make between 300-500 bars of soap a week (all of this is done after the kids are in bed). I have not missed a soccer game, a school performance, etc. We read books in the evening and my children are my priority......and the laundry still gets done. :D

I am telling you all of this because people ask me how do I have the time. My answer, you make the time. This is something that I love doing. I cannot give it up.

I could not do this without a supportive husband. My suggestion to you is to sit down with your DH and talk to him about your thoughts and feelings. I know that he will support you in your decision and will be more than willing to help out so you can pursue your passion.

Good luck in whatever you choose.

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I tried to stay away after my 3rd was born just three short years ago. That didn't last at all. It only made me more determined to make it happen.

I even took a job to get me out of the house...and while I was at the job, I found myself doing labels & graphic layouts just for the biz that was GOING to happen. Funny...

You can control how much the business takes out of you/your life. I say go for it.

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