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WhoooHooooooo I did it!!


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I made my very first CP soap this afternoon! It is sitting in it's box all heated up and I have peaked twice and it looks just perfect to me! Did the gel thingie all the way to the edges and everything! It was so much fun and now I am wondering why I stressed so much trying this. I did a soy soap........has canola, coconut, olive, ez soy wax (melted) and shea butter in it. I added Oatmeal, Milk & Honey fragrance and a smidgen of Gold & Choco brown coloring. I can not wait till I can take it out of the box and cut it into bars! Next time I am going to try swirls....I was way to nervous to this time! LOL Anyway will post pics of my new "addiction" when I get it sliced!


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Yay for you! Congrats! That first batch is thrilling! You probably aren't aware of this, being a newbie soaper and all, but all CT first-timers are required to send sample bars to the Official Soap Inspector for analysis. My addy is AJ, 124 Main St., .... :D

Will watch for your soapies to arrive in a few weeks. :laugh2:

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Yay for you! Congrats! That first batch is thrilling! You probably aren't aware of this, being a newbie soaper and all, but all CT first-timers are required to send sample bars to the Official Soap Inspector for analysis. My addy is AJ, 124 Main St., .... :D

Will watch for your soapies to arrive in a few weeks. :laugh2:

AJ your way too funny, it was actually your recipe i used for my first and second CP. I'm calling it my supermarket soap cos everything i needed was at my supermarket.:D

Well done Kymber, i was the same as you but thought to heck with it and jumped straight in the deep end with the swirls they didn't turn out the best but hey at least the soap turned out...lol

I look forward to seeing your soap and the rest of your addiction in the weeks and months to come

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