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My second wholesale request

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My new site is up from the end of May. And I got two request about wholesale pricing! Considering that's not my *first* job, I'm quite happy my candles are eyecatching from my website. Anyway, the first request did not lead to nothing (until now), the second came just a few minutes ago.

I have not my price list (a pdf file) here, so I have to send it later, but just to ask something new...;)

I thought to put a minimum of 150 euros for the first order, no matter what type of candles they order. What do you think?

I have to answer this new email and want to check if I'm doing right.

Do I have to ask if they want my name on the candles or should I let them tell it? hope this makes sense lol

I mean, do I have to explain the various possibility (as private labeling) or not? For now they only say they want to buy my candles.

The shop sells ethnic furnishing. They left me the complete names, numbers and emails.


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First off congrats!!

I am not sure what euro's convert to US dollars but you should make sure that if you are going to do wholesale that you set your minimum at whatever you feel is fair and still be able to make money.

Most people that do wholesale have it set that the customer has to order a certain amount of one item. Let say when you make a batch of candles you get 6 out of it. Then that should be your minimum. 6 of that scent, color, etc.. And yes, you should still have your name or company name on the candles some where. They still are your creations..

I would try and make up a packet that would explain what your minimums, payment terms, shipping, delivery and private labeling. I would also get a copy of their tax license. This way it shows that you sold them to this company for the purpose of resale. (I am not sure how taxes work there but this is what we do in the US.) This way you aren't responsible for paying the sales tax.

Good luck!!!

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I have already set a wholesale pricing, but this would be the first time for me.

150 euros are more or less $200.

I do only pillars and I don't have so many for each shape, so I think I'd just provide them with the first basic things, then eventually we discuss the rest.

I don't have a Tax ID my elf because this is not my regulare job, I'm an employee in a sw company. But here in italy we can use the "occasional collaboration" so we can declare anyway what we earn with some occasional work. We don't pay taxes on it, but the state takes a fixed amount when we do the receipt. hope this makes sense.

For delivering I have two - three options I think, because they are here in Milano. I could go to the shop, they could come and take the order, or I can ship. Still have to discuss this particular and all the others.

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:D thank you.

I want to start to sell something but I'm very very scared at the same time... I answered, and obviously I forgot to tell them about payments!!!

Well, I hope I will have another occasion to hear from them,

thanks to all!

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