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using the same pots/pans/mixer for food and soap making..

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How many of you do this? I am just wondering if it is a common practice. I have seperate sets for everything, but I am in a debate with someone over using the same mixer they use to mix their soap to prepare food too. I told them to invest in a seperate mixer for their food. They think I am crazy:rolleyes2

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I personally don't ( except the pan I melt my oils in).

Glass or stainless has been noted to be safe for foods after using for soapin( after washing thoroughly, of course) but NOT plastic.

I know certain ones that use the same mixer as well for soap and foods but I don't. I have a separate cheapie mixer for my soap and such.

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I do oven hot process, so use a large stainless steel Dutch oven to mix and cook my soap in. I have on occasion used it to cook pasta or something, when I needed an extra large pot. I don't use my stick blender, or my Rubbermaid pitcher that I mix my lye solution in, for anything else; they are dedicated.

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My stuff is all separate, but only because I soap in the kitchen downstairs. Not going to drag all that stuff back up to the main kitchen... I'd probably keep it separate anyway, always seems like there's a little film of oil on everything. I do have a Kitchen Aid that I keep separate for lotions and other b&b stuff.

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