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Well Rockin' got in on the soapmaking experience. (He may never do so again, because sometimes it seemed like four hands were too much and other times four hands weren't enough.)

So we are the proud parents of 24 bars of SJP Lovely. Our question is, the first born weighs 7 ozs. The runt of the litter weighs 4.5 oz. So say we were into selling. Would you:

1) Sell by oz and have possibly 24 different weights.

2) Split the difference and say sell the bigger bars as one price and lighter weights as another.

3) Trim all the bars down to be the same weight?

(Note) We already know we need to level our pouring surface. We'll be working on straightening that out somewhat.


I definitely wouldn't trim them all down, you're gonna lose your yield if you do that. I'd split the batch, option 2... or use some of the oddballs for samples. Cut them up, pass them out, include them with orders, etc.


What about setting at a per oz price and they pick the soap they want and then you can weigh it and charge accordingly.


Or...Option 4) you could just send me all the oddball sizes! :D

Edit: OMG, I just saw the pics! Skip what I said above and send it all here!!!!

PS: "Lovely" sounds so lovely...can't wait to get my FO order. (sigh)

It sounds like these are your first bars. I wouldn't charge anything until you have the soapmaking thing down. Share these first several batches with family and friends.

Soapmakers sell by the bar.

These are far from her first bars. She is a very experienced crafter and would never consider selling a product she is unsure of. Of this I am quite confident.

As far as selling by the bar, of course, but my bars are priced by weight, some being much heavier than others, even within a batch.


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