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Soap recipe for bars ready to go July 17!!!


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Today my soon-to-be boss called and said he heard I had started making soaps. The folks at the fragrance company asked him to ask me for a mild, fragrance free soap.

First I thought that E's castille that I made yesterday would be perfect (and it will be in the long run), but then I realized that will take ages to age... (oh, a pun).

Basically although they want something mild - I am wondering if the castille might be a bit too mild since they will be using it to wash fragranced products off their skin so they can then test another proeduct. On the other hand they will wash the area several times a day!

HELP ME WIHT A RECIPE PLEASE! I can make it tonight and I guess I can turn the AC on high for a while. And if I cut the bars small will that help too?

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Carol, if you are not using FO, CP that recipe and take a water discount. Use the online calc to get the lye amount. Take your total oil amount and divide by 4 for your water. For example, use 8 ounces of water for 32 oz of oils. That will harden up pretty quickly. It will be pretty firm when you cut it. Works perfectly for this recipe unscented.


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Thanks! Will smaller bars age faster too? I have some drawer organizers that are about 2" tall by 3" wide and was thinking of pouring into those and then slicing about half an inch thick to make hotel-sized bars.

More questions.

-Once I pour I have to cover them, right? Should I cover with plastic or with someting air can get through?

-How long should it take the lye to be all done doing it's thing?

-What if the lye is still there (zingy and all) when the bars seem firm enough to cut - can I cut them or do I need to let them sit longer first?

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You need to insulate them. Spread a blanket or towel out. Fill the mold. Cover the top with saran wrap. Place the mold on the blanket/towel and wrap that baby up for 24 hours, just leave it alone, then cut. The size of the bar will not effect the hardness. Only time can do that.

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I insulate my molds in a box that I have lined with sheep skin. I wrap 2 towels around the mold and close the box up. If its really cold out, I will also wrap that box in a blanket. This helps the soap to get a good gel and harden up faster. ;)

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Carol, if you are not using FO, CP that recipe and take a water discount. Use the online calc to get the lye amount. Take your total oil amount and divide by 4 for your water. For example, use 8 ounces of water for 32 oz of oils. That will harden up pretty quickly. It will be pretty firm when you cut it. Works perfectly for this recipe unscented.


Holy Cow Batman! Can you say "work fast"? This took all of 1 minute to reach trace, 15 more seconds to a thick trace!

Now what am I supposed to do for the rest of the night?

What? Clean up? Yea, right!

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Holy Cow Batman! Can you say "work fast"? This took all of 1 minute to reach trace, 15 more seconds to a thick trace!

Now what am I supposed to do for the rest of the night?

What? Clean up? Yea, right!

OMG You are so funny... i wouldn't clean up i'd make more soap :D .

I'm lucky i have a husband who is a clean freak sometimes i think he has OCD. (Obesessive Compulsive Disorder).. I'm so lucky he can't stand me making a mess he cleans up for me as i go. Sometimes i have to stop him and say "honey no that still has stuff in it".

I haven't made soaps yet i'm still on the basic stuff and made bath jelly and cookies the other night and when i'm done i always run over to mum's to show her by the time i get back he's even vacuumed...

Like i said i'm so lucky.;)

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Bath jelly?

Ok i'll tell you only if you promise not to laugh at it's simplicity :undecided :undecided :undecided

Bath Jelly

½ cup water

1½ teaspoons unflavoured gelatine

½ cup bubble bath or liquid soap

Food colouring (optional)

Heat the water until boiling and dissolve the gelatine in it. Add the bubble bath or soap very slowly and do not beat because it may become foamy. Stir gently and blend. Pour the mixture into a container with a lid.

If the jelly is going to be used by children you can drop in a small toy or seashells. Put in the refrigerator to gel.

To use, place a small amount of jelly under tap water or use as a shower gel.

Told you it was pretty simple, my kids love it, AND makes the fridge smell nice too.

Still have to test this one though to see how long it will last etc. But my kids use it before i get a chace to keep one in the fridge till it's mouldy..

ETA: the recipe doesn't say to put FO oil in but i make up my bubble bath with the colour i want the jelly to be and add FO to that, then i use the pre mixed bubble bath in the jelly.

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Holy Cow Batman! Can you say "work fast"? This took all of 1 minute to reach trace, 15 more seconds to a thick trace!

Now what am I supposed to do for the rest of the night?

What? Clean up? Yea, right!

Actually, if you can wait until the next day, clean up is much easier. Right after you soap, you have a greasy mess. The next day, your stuff is full of soiap instead of grease and much easier to deal with.

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No no, of course I'm not going to sell it! I'm going to be working there and so will just give out bits to the fragrance evaluators as a favor kind of thing.

I've known many of these people for years (new job, small industry) so and am really just giving out free soap that will help them do their job.

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