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Has anyone CP Brown Sugar and Fig Yet?

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I plan on doing this doing, but wanted to see if anyone has done it successfully yet. I did a search and could not find any info. On Sweet Cakes site they say they have not had a chance to. Wondering if it will turn the soap brown, because I am guessing that it might, and I might do white swirls. TIA:D

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Uhm, I have the same scent but it's from Carolina Candle Supplies....listed as body safe. I'm going to CP it this afternoon,but I'm with you, I'll bet it will turn brown. Hey, have you checked the Scent Review Board? I always go there first just to see if I can get any info on the scent I'm going to be trying. Always nice to have a heads up if it's going to discolor, but more importantly if it's going to accelerate!

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I am on there now...I di d find one post in here where someone CPed and it riced:(

Well that's just great!!! :angry2: I love that scent. Suz at OT is carrying that FO now. I think I'll email her and ask her if she had any problems. The post on the Scent Review Board that stated it "riced", did she mention her recipe (ex: goats milk, lard, etc)? Some of them do, just wondered.

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I thought Brenda soaped this yummy scent.

I believe she had to slam into the mold. But her soap looked fab! :highfive:

From Sweetcakes.

The oil from Sweetcakes is a great scent, but it turned into soap on a stick and I had to cook it, and then slam it into the mold. I used amethyst pink oxide (I think) to color it. Now the soap is a tannish pink, but the scent has stayed very nicely. One of these days I'll try it again since I purchased two pounds of the oil. :eek:

Good luck with your try! It would be interesting to know your experience with the oil. I'm wondering if the oils and butters used in the recipes affect this acceleration. So next time I'm going to try a different formulation. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. :cheesy2:

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"One of these days I'll try it again since I purchased two pounds of the oil."

Hot diggity dam! :laugh2: You were not playing when you bought that much! I bought a teeny 2 ouncer because I cannot afford a pounder:laugh2: I know where to come when I need some more:drool: I so want to soap it.

I actually found the post about it ricing in here. I did a soap on brown sugar and fig. I will try to find it again.

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I located a previous post you had with pics. using the Brown Sugar and Fig.


Darn, I love that FO from SC. Best Brown Sugar and Fig OOB I've sampled so far. I am a CP newbie and when I saw the photos you posted above that is exactly what happened to some of the first soaps I made.

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Brenda do you still have any left and if so has it discolored any?

Yes, I have several bars left (I make 32 at a time) and they've discolored to a light pinkish tan. I had put pink color in the recipe.

Sounds like your experience was very similar to mine. I'm sorry to hear that. :sad2: The fragrance did stay lovely though! :smiley2:

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I did the Brown Sugar & Fig from Carolina Candle Supply and it was a dream to work with. I even added TD thinking it would discolor to brown, but it's staying white...well, ok, a tad tannish. Little tid bits of peru balsam scattered throughout...was working {attempting} with peru balsam earlier and couldn't get it off the spoon. Anyway, I digress-no A or D. :D

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As far as the scent goes, what was your opinion of the one from CCS? Is it a good, strong oil?

Carol, I personally love this scent, but I don't have anything to compare it to...I haven't sniffed any others but CCs. I think the scent is very strong, but I always add 1oz./ppo. It is a sweet scent, but the fig definitely comes through, and no scent morphing!

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