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Oil Subbing Help


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I have a recipe that calls for Apricot Kernel, RBO and Macadamia. The only oil I have is the Macadamia and I dont really want to use this because of nut allergies. I read that RBO has been used to replace Olive Oil because it's cheaper so I think I can use Olive Oil instead of that.

I'm wondering if I can use Grapeseed and maybe Sunflower for the other 2 oils. Any ideas suggestions are most welcome. :)

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I have a recipe that calls for Apricot Kernel, RBO and Macadamia. The only oil I have is the Macadamia and I dont really want to use this because of nut allergies. I read that RBO has been used to replace Olive Oil because it's cheaper so I think I can use Olive Oil instead of that.

I'm wondering if I can use Grapeseed and maybe Sunflower for the other 2 oils. Any ideas suggestions are most welcome. :)

Might be easier if we know what you are making and what you have on hand.

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I'm making a foaming body wash with FBB. I found it on the soap forum. The oils I have on hand are, Sweet Almond, Macadamia, Safflower, Sunflower, Olive Oil, Grapeseed, Castor Oil and Wheat Germ.

I have one friend that has nut allergies so I'm wanting to get away from the nuts.

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I assume you don'e want to use the Sweet Almond either if you are concerned with nut allergies. Never worked with Macadamia, Wheatgerm or Safflower.

I would say that either OO or a blend of castor & Grapeseed would be good for the RBO. For AKO I think you can use the Sunflower. No idea about the macadamia nut oil.

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