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The saga of the unidentified paraffin...

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A couple of weeks ago you all helped me with what to do with an unidentified paraffin wax that a friend had given me. I got my vybar and mixed up a batch of votives/tarts. I'm pretty happy with them but still need to practice to get a smooth top. :(



This is Peak's Fresh Linen - awesome throw at 5% (is all paraffin this great at this percentage?).

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all who helped me with this!

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Eugenia - okay! No obessing! Lord knows I have enough obsessions already! :)

Top - really? I can make a pillar if I add universal additive? Is that in addition to the formula I already have going with the vybar? Cool! :D

Just to throw a wrench, you don't need UA. You can use vybar or stearic for a pillar. I rarely use UA.:laugh2:

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Just to throw a wrench, you don't need UA. You can use vybar or stearic for a pillar. I rarely use UA.:laugh2:
E, as best we can tell it's a lower MP paraffin. The package was actually marked container paraffin. It will surely make a saggy pillar with just stearic and I have doubts that Vybar in reasonable quantities will upgrade it, though I haven't tried. I did however try the 5% UA trick in 130MP wax and it made a beautiful and nicely burning pillar.

Here's the thread http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14336

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E, as best we can tell it's a lower MP paraffin. The package was actually marked container paraffin. It will surely make a saggy pillar with just stearic and I have doubts that Vybar in reasonable quantities will upgrade it, though I haven't tried. I did however try the 5% UA trick in 130MP wax and it made a beautiful and nicely burning pillar.

Here's the thread http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14336

OK, I stand corrected. :lipsrseal

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GrayMaire...very pretty....I love the color and I can smell the Fresh Linen from here! :cheesy2: It's one of my favorites!

Eugenia...I didn't even think of doing repours on my "messed up" votives. Lately, and I am not sure why, I have been having trouble with my second pours. It seems to "set up" before it has reached the sides of the molds, so I end up with the votives that look like I ran out of wax in the middle of the pour. Maybe tomorrow (I am DISGUSTED with myself tonight and don't even want to LOOK at those BAD BOYS) I will try to do a THIRD POUR! :undecided

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