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aroma beads ???

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I was wondering if anyone knew aprox. how long it will take the beads to soak up the scent. it has been two weeks ( 17 days to be exact) I used the directions off bittercreek the scents are vanilla and coconut bay, I was wondering if I should add some more beads or just wait. thanks for any advice, this is my first batches of the beads.


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I can't help with the coconut bay, but my experience with vanilla has been very frustrating. I have beads that I started in January that still have not soaked up all the vanilla FO. I've tried adding more beads, I've tried putting them in a barely warm oven as someone on the board suggested, but nothing seems to work. I've pretty much just given up on the vanilla ... sorry I guess that wasn't actually a helpful answer. Hopefully someone will come along who

can help you!

By the way, I used the Bittercreek directions too, and I have 10 scents that I like that will soak up anywhere from a day to 4 days consistently - it's just trial and error to find out which ones will work.

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I started out with 1/2 oz of Vanilla Velvet, 2oz of beads. After four days I added 1 tablespoon of beads to the 2oz. I suggest, just adding a little at a time. If it does not absorb by the next day, add a little more until it is absorbed. Which Vanilla did you use?


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I had trouble getting French Vanilla to soak in too - I added more beads as well and did the oven thing for a couple of days. How full is your jar? Sometimes if it is too full and you can't shake so good, it takes longer.....just a thought. I hate waiting for them to dry though - it's kinda like waiting for a pot of water to boil - a watched bead never dries!

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I think it is because the oils are so thick. I have to start with 4 tbls of beads and 1/2 tbls of oil and every few days I add more beads. you just can't have too much oil in them or they won't soak up. If your jar is full, you might try dumping half of them into another jar and adding a few more beads to both jars. I have had to do that before, and it seemed to work. Good luck

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