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Help...Not a People Person

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I am SOOO not a sales person either. My husband can talk up my stuff, my friends, etc. So I leave it to them. I'd rather just make make make & put it on my shelves.

Craft shows I'm okay with too. If people don't like it, they move on. If they decide they want to talk, they ask questions more on the amazement of me making all of it. So its talking about something I enjoy and can be creative at.

Home parties are great too. You're in your own environment, invite people you know. You're on your own ground and it feels a bit nicer.

I have just made up free baskets though where I've dropped it off at the desk in shops and have rec'd orders that way. Of course I booked it out of there too. :)

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I could just imagine Matthew McConahey face on everyone I meet...at least that would take my mind off people. LOL You all have made good points.I appreciate all the suggestions that you have made. I need to get a brochure going, put my daughter to work in her spare time and keep testing candles. It will work out because I love making candles.It's time to grow up and get tough. Thanks, Ginger

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A few things I would suggest...Whenever you're giving a gift, give something from your product line. Especially if the person has never used one of your items before.

And make sure you label it properly with a web site or e-mail address so that they can ask for more.

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I was always a quiet one too but mostly when I was in school.Was still like that some when kids were growing up but after they were grown I had to do something.My cousin talked me into joining a animal group.Soon I was learning how to fundraise.Got to be friends with the Pres and she was a go getter.I would see her do things and then after a year or 2 I was able to ask for donations send out the best letters.I had also became the Sec in a year.After a couple years my cousin asked the Pres what in the world did you do to her.She is so much more outgoing.

It is something you really have to love and it must be all you know.Then things come easy. With the animal welfare it has also become candles.Have been doing craft shows but really looking for a website up and running real soon.IN fact with my animal achievements I got a e-mail from a reporter with a local paper and am being profiled for my animal welfare work.He asked what else I like to do and when I mentioned candles.He promised if I get my site done I must let him know so he can publsih that in the paper too.So after my interview with him today I will be on- line real soon.With my site there will be certain items going to spay and neuter for a few people each month that cannot afford the cost of fixing their pets.

I agree on doing a craft show and take a friend.She can be there to support you.You know candles so the rest should be easy.You have been making them for years and worked in a shop doing that.With that you can answer any question.From what I see not alot people want to know is a "certain scent" they are looking for or else they want to know how long they burn.Another question "Do they burn clean?You know all that so not much you should be afraid of. Believe me I get flustered too.Especially when I get busy or that doggone bag will not open and I am trying to be in a hurry to get it bagged.

For my interview it was a telephone interview and went real good.I had him laughing and he was amazed I was so dedicated for the cause.

Try a show and see how it goes.I think you will do fine.I know I still worry when I do one.I take a friend or my husband but at times I am left on my own.I have found not alot of talking with customers unless they need help for a certain item.It is mostly looking or buying.

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