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Wedding Renewal Candle


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Thank you all so very much for your generous compliments! My husband says that I am too hard on myself and to the lay person, that they are beautiful candles. However, I KNOW that I can do much better and that is what gets me!! I am a perfectionist and believe me, it can cost me greatly! People pay alot of money for carved candles in general, I want to make QUALITY cnc candles that folks can proudly display and that will help to make their event or occasion even more special! After all, most people don't buy cnc candles just for heck of it so for special occasions, they had better be great candles in mho!!

I know that when I went to the Smokey's, I went into three candle shops out there and was disgusted of the quality of the candles that were being sold. I am talking all types of candles including the cnc ones. All of the cnc candles that I saw were awful looking. They don't have to be fancy in my book to be great but the cuts and quality had better be very good or who wants to buy them?? Well, from the dust on them, I could tell that not many! I refuse to sell a product like that when I get to the point of selling!! It is MY name and MY reputation going on those products and even the ones that can pass as good, I WILL KNOW that they aren't the best that I can do and I will refuse to sell them! ONLY quality products will I sell!

There are alot of people out there who sell standard candles and many consumers don't know the difference between a quality candle and one from the dollar store so my cnc will be one of MY customer magnets...............I hope! Due to health, I have to do this from my home and wont be able to do many shows in the future so I have to work extra hard to draw in customers........hense the extra perfection fascination in quality! LOL

Again, I appreciate everyones comments and look forward to honest opinions in the future when I make more!!

Take Care All and God Bless,


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LOL Yes, that is MY cut-n-carve candle. I know, not a very good job!!

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? :confused: I think that cut-n-carve candle is beautiful!!! You should be very proud of your work. I could never do anything like that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all! Now I am trying to figure out the best way to package the carved candles for shipping! I used bubble wrap and a Pourette mold box and the candles survived the trip just fine!! Im not tickeled using all the bubble wrap though and really wanted to have a box with the clear window on the front so the candle could actually show through! Any suggestions? Carved candles are so delicate and our shipping services are not!!! I know that it is going to happen but I hate to see it when it does! Any other carvers out there ship their carved candles that care to share??

God Bless,


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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I am in awe of your candle and stuff you make. Your candle is like the kind that I want to make. Not your ordinary carved candle, it has class to it and is unique. I have never seen a carved candle like that before. How did you learn how to make them? Where do you get your supplies from. My sister is getting married soon and wants a carved candle and of all of the ones that I have looked at on this board, Im sure that she would just love to have one of yours. I am going to go to her house tomorrow and will show her your pictures. Do you have a website she can order from? Her colors are peach and white. Her wedding is in October. Are the carved candles expensive to make? Sorry for so many questions but I really want to learn but know I wont learn fast enough to make ones for her. Im almost sure she will want to buy one from you. Very beautiful work. I really like your other stuff to. Am I understanding right that you made your flowers also? My sister is having a hell of a time finding a florist to make something that she really likes. She wants silk flowers so she can keep them. That is what yours are to right? I hope to hear from you soon.


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Thank you very much Cindy for your comments! Lets see if I can answer your questions for you!

I am teaching myself how to carve candles! Nothing like just digging in and trying things out! I am currently waiting for a melter so I don't have to stand over a hot stove with only 2 vats to work with so I cant wait to get back to carving! I'm not very happy with what I have made thus far but know that I have alot of work to do yet!

I happen to have a spare book that helps teach cut-n-carve candles if you are interested. It is a good book for starters to give you an idea of the basics! Funny thing is, I haven't used it! There are alot of candles out there by carvers that look pretty much the same, and yes, I will be having to do those also but want a bit of look that is more all of my own! As you mentioned, unique with a bit of class for those special occasions!

Depending on where you live will determine the best suppliers for you to shop for your waxes and pigment dyes and such! Shipping costs are terrible and the closer your supplier is, the better shipping prices you will have! I live in Ms. and order from WI. because they happen to have the most of my variety of waxes and its cheaper for me to just place a large order rather than many small orders from around the country! You will just have to order a few different types of waxes and see what works best for you. Speed is essential when carving candles and the softer the wax, the longer you have to complete a candle but unless you overdip it in a harder wax when you are done, you have to be careful of using very soft waxes or your candles will warp and melt in time from the heat. YOU will just have to practice and see what works best for you as you advance in your techniques!

No, I do not have a website as of yet! I'm still working on my products and really want to perfect them as much as I can before I put my name on them and sell them!

IF your sister is honestly interested in me making her a candle for her wedding, you can send me a email at ofci@ofci.biz and we can go from there! There are other carvers on the board also who do wonderful work that she may be interested in.

Yes, my flowers are silk! I too wanted them to last and couldn't see paying florists fees for something that I could make myself that was more personal and a heck of a lot cheaper! If your sister or yourself are crafty, she too can make her own flowers. If you are interested in me making a bouquet for her, again, email me so we can discuss details! With her wedding being so soon, I'm assuming that she has a wedding dress already and it would help if you could email me a picture of her dress so I could help design her flowers to compliment her dress and style along with her wedding colors.

BTW~I think peach and white are beautiful colors and have even used those ONCE myself for a previous wedding renewal!

I wish you the best of luck with your new adventure into cut-n-carve candles and if there is anything else that I can assist you with, I'm more than happy to help all that I can but know, I'm still learning myself and have a LONG way to go yet!!

God Bless,


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