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Mushrooming Wicks In Votives

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I did a seach on mushrooms and it looks like it's just a part of candle making. I like the one customer that thought it was a "fragrance ball". I guess I will testing or deal with it. I seem to specialize in mushrooms and wet spots somedays. It's nice to know I'm not alone. LOL Ginger

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You may not be able to eliminate it, but play with the wick size. Depending on your wax and fragrance sometimes you can hit upon a size that won't mushroom and might even self trim so you can burn the votive indefinitely. It takes some luck and a lot of finagling. Varying the FO can influence the results too.

I like those CDs for votives. I've just never really liked the burn of a votive with a zinc wick in it. Starts off nice but always seems to turn to crap along the way.

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I've been testing SNC Rosemary Mint and it was one that CD 5-6 didn't work well in so I went to 44-24-18z. Good burn except for the mushroom. Back 5-8 years ago, I don't remember having the problems with wicks, wax and wet spots. Was I not paying attention or have products changed for the worse? I started making candles when I first got out of high school.(1971) Then I made then for someone else in Texas for about 6 years...container and votives. Now it seems like everytime I turn around, I have a new problem. The supplies were limited back in the 70's but I don't remember the problems. Ginger

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Ok Eugenia, you are probably right but the lady that taught be never seem to have all those problems as far as I remember. She made pillars and small mold candles and they were beautiful. Very limited on scents. My favorite was jasmine and still is. Now, as far as the LX wicks...I have 2 sizes, 10 and 12 and I have never used them. Just keep for decoration, I guess.LoL Are those the right size for votives? If they are, I might try them tomorrow. My grandson has two ballgames tonight so candle testing is over for the day. T-ball has top priority today. Thanks to all for your advice. It is amazing how much you can read but you still have questions. I thought I was so smart when I graduated H.S. that I would never have to ask questions again.Ha Thanks, Ginger

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