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Biz Plan Help

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..I am in need of some help..in making my business plan..this is not my strong point..putting this stuff on paper in the format that will get the funding I need.

so if anyone can help me with this issue I would appreciate it.

my need is that I am on the Marketing section..and I need stuff to back by biz..I actually need resources that have information about the industry in the form of printed publications such as industry files or trade journal stating the increase in demand for our types of products.

I need to put it into words and have copies of stuff or the sources to back it up.

I have a journalist friend but she is on Vacation..and I need to get this section done this weekend to stay on track and on my goal.

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that is an idea..but ours sucks..the last time I went in there to get help the guy that was helping me acted like I was an idiot..like why are you even trying to open a business which totaly ticked me off and did not help me much.

I actually need industry info to add to my biz plan that would be country wide and I have to back it will the sources.

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AWSOME! Thank you..I just found all my population stuff for the surrounding cities for marketing to.. I did not find much B&B..but it is consumable and we need it everyday for personal hygiene anyway so that I don't have to make as big a deal about.


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Have you tried the library? The reference desk may not have actually what you need but might be able to steer you in the right direction. Also maybe a local college, the one by my house has something like a business research area.

Actually, thanks for having me answer this, maybe I will wander over there to do some research!!

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