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LOL..get rich? ok, how do i do that? I figured I would go around to some small businesses in my area first and go from there. I know of a discount cigarette store that will probly order some from me. Anyone know of any other good places to try? I have so much to do!! Business cards, brochures, price sheet, labels...ugh...its very overwhelming right now. I spent 120.00 at Office Depot today getting stuff I felt like I needed.

My DBA is "SCENTFUL SCENTSATIONS" I hope nobody on this board is using that name, I know nobody in my county is using it. Yes, I am so excited!

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Im right there with ya sista. I just got all that stuff a little bit ago. Now im in research hell for business cards, letter head, price sheets and more testing! oh what fun the business side of things are....lol

Meeee tooooo! I bought labels and business cards at Home Depot..gonna TRY to do them myself on my moms printer.. but being as "professional" as I am...if they look fugly, I'll fork out the xtra $$ for the better ones. Gotta get pouring and testing...Im expecting at least another month before I actually start trying to sell!!!

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Congratulations. I became truly legit this year as well. Trademarked, local business license, sales tax #, business registered with the state. It feels GOOD! Here's to a successful business!!!

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So where would you guys suggest I start..company wise. Im starting actually with friends and family and hoping they will pass the word around to their friends..etc. But Im wondering where I should start business wise. Should I start with small companies? How do I get ppl to let me put a rack of candles in their store? Im almost ready to go out selling but I dont know where to start :( Please help!

Also...how did you get your "big" accounts? Does anyone have any contracts with companies like Halmark or Walmart or any place like that that gives you large orders on a regular basis? Thanks!

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I have looked into selling to chains....Wal-Mart, K-mart, Target...etc....only thing is you need UPC codes and they are $$$ CRAZY!

I sell alot to tanning & hair salons, fitness clubs and private owned stores....gift shops and such.

I just stop by... ask to speak to the owner or manager.... with a business card, a flyer and a candle.....just explain who I am...about my business and let them know if they are interested in offering my candles to let me know. I've had a few people order right then and there from the flyers...and a few have even told me other places to try!

Good Luck!!

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I just read that wholesaling 101...all i can say is OMFG! It scared the crap out of me...litterally! I think it will be quite awhile, if ever, that I start doing wholesale. Im sure I will just stick with retail. I can walk into these lil stores and sell to the employees, not the company..KWIM?

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