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do what i did when it was my fellas birthday find out what his fave colour is and then make somehting around that. my fella really likes silver so i made him a nice silver cinnamon candle but he isnt allowed to burn them in the house coz he lives at home

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I was thinking something like that. Or I found a scent that is his favorite perfume that he buys for me. Maybe put that in a light blue candle with a picture of him and I framed?? Kinda sappy... but its from the heart. (Funny story with what I TRIED to get him.. grr)

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The only thing I can think of is maybe his favorite color pillar scented with his favorite food/cologne scent. Or maybe just do a smelly jelly for his car if he likes his car to smell good. Im sorry I cant help ya more..my hubby would cry if I gave him a candle for his birthday and Im not talking tears of joy either! ROFL Good luck anyway!

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How about listing out what scents and colors make you think of your man and then mixing something together that would resemble what you think of him. I don't know if that makes sense, but for use your thoughts of him and what he makes you feel like to draw inspiration from and then pour a set of candles to reflect that. FOr instance if he makes feel desire, picture what you think desire might look like and try to make that into a candle, combine a couple of techniques if you want. Tanya did some fabulous looking blue candles once on the old board, drawing inspiration off a friend.

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For instance if he makes feel desire, picture what you think desire might look like and try to make that into a candle, combine a couple of techniques if you want. .

I'd love to see a candle created based on those thoughts. It would be a million dollar seller in todays society. :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: Great marketing idea! <insert giant lightbulb here>

Girl, you left that one wide open, I couldn't resist.

Ok, I am done being obnoxious Ash. Back to our regular scheduled programming.

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