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how to tell what Fo's are thicker???

bella soy

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I have been testing the Peaks Fo and I really like them so far. They have great throw.

i recently poured green tea and lemon pound cake. I poured them into tins that were 3 oz. and used KY 125 with cottonseed.

I poured two of each scent but I pout .05 oz of Fo into the wax. which is alittle more than usual.

I looked at the candles today and noticed that one all the candles there are puddles of FO. i had to wipe the top of the candle off before i started burning it because i didnt want a fire hazard...lol..

Im wondering if its because the those particular scents are very thick and heavy and if so how can you tell this before you pour. also could it be cause of the humidity? we just put the air conditioners in the house today and the candles have been sitting on the kitchen and temp inside the house was in the 90 's

any input would be great as to what caused this

thanks ya'll

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If you put in .5 in each of the 2 sets that you poured, that is about 8% if I am understanding you correctly. That amount is not too high of a load for that wax. I have 2 guesses as to why. Either you possibly misjudged the measurement , or you didn't stir it long enough in the wax for it to bind properly. If you don't stir it long enough, it won't bind to the wax, and will cause seeping out of the candle. It is also possible that you added the FO when the wax was too cool and it didn't give it a chance to properly bind. Can't speak on the humidity, not sure if that would cause it to seep. Maybe someone else can give you some input on that.

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