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Pink Ribbon candle... can it be done?

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I've been looking through the candle gallery and love the embedded pillars. Can the same type of thing be done with a jar? My (hopefully) future sister in law has a grandmother going through breast cancer treatment and I was thinking of a pink ribbon embed on the inside of the jar with a lighter pink soy wax background (scented Angel Wings). If I cut the ribbon from thin wax and heat gun it to the inside then pour the background wax at a low temperature, will it hold until the candle sets?

Also, is it ok to use the pink ribbon image? I am not going to sell this candle, it's a personal gift. Thanks!

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I am not sure about answering your question, but I bought a candle like that a few months ago at Kroger. They had light pink ones and white with a pink embeded ribbon on the front side of it. They were in ginger jars and very pretty. I really didn't need it, but bought it because it was for a good cause and because it was made from beeswax. I think it is a good idea and think it is very feasable and a thoughtful gift as well.

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I haven't made anything like that, but maybe you could use a votive/pillar wax and pour into a ribbon mold. Then adhere that to the inside of the jar. I would think that you would need to use a harder wax in order to get the ribbon to maintain it's shape. But it sounds like a great idea and I'd love to see pics if you get it to work out :D

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This is wonderful thought, and I'd love to help you. :cheesy2:

I was an RN for many years- I am all about women's health issues. I do a percentage of my gross sales to the Susan G. Komen Foundation as a donation on a speciality candle. I have the pink ribbon wax embeds- PM me your address and I would be more than happy to send you one.

This embed sits on top of the candle- dang it, if I had the freakin camera charger I would show you a picture.

Here is a pic of the embed itself. That is a quarter for scale purposes.


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This is wonderful thought, and I'd love to help you. :cheesy2:

I was an RN for many years- I am all about women's health issues. I do a percentage of my gross sales to the Susan G. Komen Foundation as a donation on a speciality candle. I have the pink ribbon wax embeds- PM me your address and I would be more than happy to send you one.

This embed sits on top of the candle- dang it, if I had the freakin camera charger I would show you a picture.

Here is a pic of the embed itself. That is a quarter for scale purposes.

PM'd you, thanks for the generous offer. I'm really hoping I can get this one to work, going to give it a good try! I will absolutely post pics.

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I've have been trying to come up with something too. I have a Breast Cancer fundraiser coming up in a couple of months. Donating candles to raise money and for the tables. Only thing with mine is the lady running it, has a logo she has made up that is for men too. So I have to try to make something up. A pink ribbon with a blue bow tie where it crosses. I just ordered a pillar with a ribbon cut out, hope I can figgure it out. I don't do pillars... Thought about doing something in clay and glueing it on the outside. I don't do clay either. I'm making this harder than I should but I really want my stuff to look nice and sell well for them.

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