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How many bath bombs do YOU make at one time?


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Wondering how many bath bombs you ladies make in one batch??

I have 100 Wedding Cake scented Bath bombs to make for a wedding and Im wondering how much of the mix you can safely mix up at one time. Right now I only make 5 bombs at a time...any suggestions?


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Heh heh. I am a slowpoke. Even when I move fairly fast, I can only crank out 7 before the mixture starts to dry out. My batches make 7, and I have to hurry to get those done within a 10-minute time frame. Jenny makes quite a few in one minute, and I just get 1 or 2. ROFL

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rofl!! tubturds - I love it!

My single batches are 20 (sometimes I get 21 or 22) and my double (two color) batches are 40 (sometimes I get 42 or 43)

I would recommend doing exactly what you are doing now. Even though you can only get 5 out of your batch, I bet you make those 5 perfectly don't you? Why fix something that isn't broke? With doubling your batch you may very well screw 'em all up because you can't move fast enough, the mixture dries out too fast, or just isn't the same as the batch with 5.

Hope I am making some sense to you. I've wanted to ramp up my production for the longest time and actually bought a press that would help me do that. Turns out it takes me LESS time to make them with the meatballer than with the press.

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oh tub turds...yep, I've had one kid pick it up & try and eat it before I got there to see what happened.

gee, I forgot that. I have to put that in a book somewhere. OH WAIT, that would require starting a book on each one.

I can see the marketing for tub turds though. Love it!

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My dear, until you have kids (who are old enough to do this stuff) you have NO idea what gross is! Funny thing is most of the time you aren't grossed out. Then you tell your story at a party with lots of childless people and they all look at you like you have 2 heads!

Ahhh, can't wait until I have those moments with my little one. Knowing my crazy dogs, they will be the ones eating them LOL

Oh, this is gross *rofl*

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